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Kloekhorst A. Etymological Dictionary of the Hittite Inherited Lexicon. Leiden Indo-European etymological dictionary series. Leiden ; Boston: Brill; 2007. XIII, 1162 p.
Revised version of the author's thesis (Ph. D.)--Leiden, 2007.Includes bibliographical references (p. [1041]-1078) and index.

Hittite is the oldest attested Indo-European language and therefore of paramount importance for comparative Indo-European linguistics. Although in the last few decades our knowledge of the synchronic and historical linguistics of Hittite has profoundly increased, these new insights have not been systematically applied to the whole Hittite material. This book fills this gap by, for the first time, providing an etymological dictionary of the entire Hittite lexicon of Indo-European origin in which all words are treated in a coherent way. Furthermore, it provides a thorough description of the synchronic phonological system of Hittite as well as a comprehensive study of the Hittite historical morphology and phonology. The result is a monumental handbook that will form an indispensable tool for Indo-Europeanists and Hittitologists alike.

Weiher E, Šmidt SO, Škurko AI. Die Grossen Lesemenäen des Metropoliten Makarij, Uspenskij spisok, 1.-8. Mai. Monumenta linguae slavicae dialecti veteris : fontes et dissertationes. Freiburg im Bresgau: Weiher; 2007.
Weinandy TG. Athanasius : A theological introduction. Great Theologians Series. Hampshire ; Burlington: Ashgate; 2007. 162 p.

This book offers a fresh scholarly introduction to the theology of Athanasius that will benefit not only the student but the educated lay reader as well. Weinandy explores, in a lucid and insightful manner, all of the key theological controversies, questions and themes that appear within Athanasius's thought: Revelation, Scripture and Tradition; Creation and the Fall; The Nicene Crisis; The Incarnation and salvation; the divinity of the Holy Spirit; the Church and Sacraments; and the Christian Life and Monasticism.

Clackson J. Indo-European Linguistics : An Introduction. Cambridge Textbooks in Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2007. 281 ; 99 tables ; 25 exercises p.
Социално познание и междуличностно взаимодействие. София: Университетско издателство „Св. Климент Охридски“.; 2007.
Witkowski L. Edukacja i humanistyka : nowe (kon)teksty dla nowoczesnych nauczycieli. 2nd ed. Tryptyk edukacyjny. Warszawa: Instytut Badań Edukacyjnych; 2007. 384 p.
Wyd. 2. popr. i zm
Tabachnick BG, Fidell LS. Using Multivariate Statistics. 7th ed. Boston ; Montreal: Pearson/A & B; 2007. XXVIII, 980 p. : ill. p.
Платон философ. Федър. Богданов Б. Поредица Антична философия. София: Планета 3; 2007. 118 p.
Куцаров И. Теоретична граматика на българския език. Морфология. Пловдив: Пловдивски университет „Паисий Хилендарски“; 2007.
Попов Г. Каноны на Рождество Христово в древней славянской минейной традиции. In Liturgische Hymnen nach byzantinischem Ritus bei den Slaven in ältester Zeit. Beiträge einer internationalen Tagung Bonn, 7.-10. Juni 2005. Paderborn: Schöningh; 2007. pp. 298–315.
Христова И. За закона и благодатта, за Луната и за Слънцето. In Реката на времето. Сборник статии в памет на проф. Людмила Боева. София: Университетско издателство "Св. Климент Охридски"; 2007. pp. 61-70.
Psychological perspectives : Social psychology, language, and intercultural communication. In Handbook of Intercultural Communication. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.; 2007. pp. 55–75.
Attitudes to language and communication. In Handbook of Language and Communication : Diversity and Change. Berlin ; New York: Mouton de Gruyter; 2007. pp. 595–618.
Grounding communication: Synchrony. In Social Psychology: Handbook of Basic Principles. 2nd ed. New York / London: Guilford Press; 2007. pp. 630–649.
Warchala J, Skudrzyk A. Potoczność – kategoria rozmyta?, w : Potoczność a zachowania językowe Polaków, Lublin 2007. In Potoczność a zachowania językowe Polaków. Lublin: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej; 2007. pp. 21–32.
Pokłosie międzynarodowej konferencji językoznawczej, zorganizowanej przez Zakład Tekstologii i Gramatyki Współczesnego Języka Polskiego oraz Zakład Logopedii i Językoznawstwa Stosowanego Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej, która odbyła się w dniach 15-16 września 2003 roku w Kolegium UMCS w Biłgoraju.
Чернобров А. Специфика религиозного дискурса в лингвистике. Новосибирск: НГПУ. 94–98. (25.11.2013). In: Ферапонтов ГА. Образование и культура России в изменяющемся мире. Новосибирск: Новосибирский государственный педагогический институт; 2007. pp. 94–98.
Материалы междисциплинар. семинара для молодых ученых и аспирантов 20 - 22 июн. 2007 г.
Недкова К, Папазова К, Аргирова-Герасимова М. Социологически поглед. In Списание „Библиотека“: Тематичен указател: 1984–2005 г. 2007. pp. 199-246.
В: [ibib]Шуманова2007[/ibib]
Чешмеджиев Д. Св. Лаврентий и Сан Лоренцо. Кирило-Методиевски студии. 2007;17:832-839.

The article summarizes the linguistic peculiarities of the oldest Slavic penitential known under the name Commandments of the Holy Fathers in the Glagolitic Euchologium Sinaiticum from the tenth-eleventh century in comparison with the new edition of its Latin prototype and some other Western Penitentials. Along with the Glagolitic copy and the most archaic Cyrillic one from the Ustjug Korm{\textbackslash}v caja (dating from the thirteenth-fourteenth century), the numerous transcripts of this text reveal its broad application and transmission in the South-Slavic linguistic environment. The preserved copies predominantly date from the fourteenth to the seventeenth century and contain only excerpts from the original corpus. The analysis is focused on some controversial readings that have already provoked the attention of the scholars. The apparatus of linguistic (especially lexical) discrepancies among different copies attests some significant features that enlighten the process of textual adoption. The manuscript tradition of the Commandments gives supplementary arguments for answering the questions about the time, place, and authorship of the Slavic translation and about the literary tradition this text belonged to.

Lubowicz A. Paradigmatic Contrast in Polish. Journal of Slavic linguistics. 2007;15} pages = {229–262(2).
Radovanović M, Leko N. Lingvistički vidici. Journal of Slavic linguistics. 2007;15(1):167–170.
Launer MK, McShane MJ. Review: A Theory of Ellipsis. Journal of Slavic linguistics. 2007;15(1):149–162.
Tchizmarova IK. Bulgarian Verbs of Change of Location. Journal of Slavic linguistics. 2007;15(1):109–148.
Grebenyova L. Sluicing in Slavic. Journal of Slavic linguistics. 2007;15(1):49–80.
Mitseva M. Adjectival Intensification in English and in Bulgarian. Съпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics. 2007;32(2):5–14.

The present paper attempts to list the major devices for adjectival intensification as found in original English and American fictional texts and their Bulgarian counterparts. Intensity here is understood in a broad sense as a quantitative realization of expressivity, a scale registering a person’s emotional response to the state-of-affairs. Given this theoretical premise then, it is the securing of the pragmatic impact on the Bulgarian reader that will be of paramount importance, since it is pragmatic meaning that deals with the relationship between the linguistic sign and its user: speaker/hearer, writer/reader.

Ботева С. Предлози, обозначаващи топологични релации във френския и в българския език. Съпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics. 2007;32(3):11–23.

This study of French and Bulgarian prepositions expressing topological relations is based on the cognitive approach, according to which perception has a leading role in conceptualization. Although global cognitive structures are universal, the specific linguistic expressions may also have their effect on the interpretation of spatial relations. Such differences have been established in connection with the various uses of dans and sur in French and в, по and на in Bulgarian


The article offers a contrastive study of the verbal communicative behaviour of Bulgarians and Russians in greetings, congratulations and wishes. The specific national cultural differences are revealed in this particular sphere.


n the base of semantics, the author divides the whole group of Russian secondary deverbative prepositions into two subgroups, the first of which expresses various subordinate adverbial relations, and the second – those of apposition. The attention is then focused on the first group, on the adverbial causative relations in their broader sense. Two of those relations are analyzed in detail

Воян К. Омонимическая общность (на примере польского и русского языков). Съпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics. 2007;32(2):15–24.

The article presents the results of the contrastive and confrontative research of Polish and Russian homonymic sets. The formal-semantic analysis of the substantive homonymic sets has been used. 449 homonymic sets have been identified for Polish and Russian. Semantic relations between the sets have been compared and the average of convergent and divergent meanings of the homonyms in both languages has been calculated.

Георгиева И. Видове човешка дейност, съотнесени с отрязъците на денонощието в българския и руския език. Съпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics. 2007;32(3):32–41.

The article studies the relation and placement of various types of human activities, and especially, taking meals, work, rest, rituals, with respect to the various parts of the day and night.


The topic of the present article is a specific type of verbocentric compound nouns in English and Bulgarian, namely, the Verb + Noun pattern as in pickpocket and загоритенджера. The paper attempts to present a contrastive analysis with regard to the similarities and differences in the form and meaning of these combinations in the two languages. The analyzed compounds are also classified into thematic groups according to what they denote. This pattern is no longer productive in contemporary English and Bulgarian but some of these verbocentric compound nouns are still frequently used and have a specific stylistic effect.

Гешев В. Ранноновобългарската падежна система. Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика. 2007;31(1):40–64.
Занглигер В. Прощальное слово (Пенка Филкова). Съпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics. 2007;32(3):200–201.
. Христо Първев (1927–2007). Съпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics. 2007;32(2):142.
Редакционна CL. В памет на Кира Георгиева Андрейчина (1934–2007). Съпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics. 2007;32(3):202.
Железарова Р. Съдържание на годишнина ХХХІІ (2007) на списание Съпоставително езикознание. Съпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics. 2007;32(3):203–207.
Ишпекова Р. Библиография на трудовете на Майя Пенчева. Съпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics. 2007;32(1):129–133.
Аврамова Ц. Девета международна конференция по словообразуване. Съпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics. 2007;32(3):194–199.
Венкова Ц. Тринадесета международна конференция по опорна фразова граматика (HPSG) (24–27 юли, Варна). Съпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics. 2007;32(2):138–141.
Воборжил Л. VІІІ международная конференция славистов Wyraz i zdanie w językach słowiańskich: opis, konfrontacja, przekład, Wrocław, 2006. Съпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics. 2007;32(1):134–135.
Гадомский А. Религиозный язык – теолингвистика – языкознание. Ученые записки Таврического Национального университета им. В.И. Вернадского. Филология [Internet]. 2007 [cited 20.10.2014AD];20 (59)(1):287–292.

. 2007. . .

Лозанов Г. Църквата в медийните практики [Internet]. Православие.bg. Православие.БГ: Интернет портал Православие България; 2007.автори/?a=Доц.+Георги+Лозанов#.VEjQCsFNeRs
Доклад изнесен на Международната православна конференция “Сътрудничеството на Църквата и медиите”, Софийска духовна семинария “Св. Иван Рилски”, 9-11 ноември 2004 г.
Этимологический словарь Фасмера [Internet]. Москва: Институт русского языка им. В. В. Виноградова РАН; 2007 [cited 18.05.2014AD].