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Publication requirements

Dear colleagues,


Before you is the journal "LITERATURE". "Literatura", which has been published in this restored/renewed format since 2007. Its periodicity is two volumes per calendar year. The first one, the "summer" one, is published in June-July and the second one, the "winter" one, in November-December.

 A major concern of the team is the quality of the publications offered for print, which are also subjected to double-blind, anonymous peer review. All submitted papers are evaluated anonymously by two reviewers who give their opinions independently of each other. Acceptance of the submitted manuscripts is in accordance with the reviewers' recommendations. The final decision on the publication of submissions is made by the editorial board.

Technical requirements for the texts:

The editorial team of the journal will review the manuscripts. "The editorial team of the Faculty of Slavonic Philology, in accordance with the internationally accepted requirements for the processing and publication of research for referencing and indexing, would like to inform you of the technical requirements for the texts proposed for publication in the journal.

1. Work in 12 n Times New Roman

2. The length of articles is up to 25 pages and 45 000 characters (including spaces), and of reviews up to 5 pages and 9000 characters.

3. In addition to the manuscript materials with the bibliography, the following mandatory elements are to be included:

- title of the article: in Bulgarian and English up to 50 words

- annotation in English - 200 words

- 3 to 10 keywords in English

- a short (creative biographical) introduction of the author, which is NOT included in the main manuscript submitted to the Scholar One System, but is sent additionally to the emails of the editors

  4. When highlighting individual elements in the text, only italics should be used. Bold is used only in headings.

  5. The bibliographic list is formatted under the heading "References Used", which includes cited titles only. They are arranged alphabetically, separating the Cyrillic and Latin units: those in Cyrillic are given first.

  6. Citations have the following syntax:

- author's surname followed by a comma and a space

- the author's abbreviated personal initials, followed by a full stop and a space after it

- the title of the article or monograph, which is written in straight type (Normal), followed by a full stop and a space after it

- when citing collections, the preposition 'B' followed by a colon and a space. For titles in Latin, the preposition 'In' is used, regardless of the language of the title

- followed by the names of the compilers or editors, spelled in the same way as for the author of an article

- they are followed by the title of the collection in italics, followed by a full stop and a space

- the order of the city in which the bibliographical item was published, written in full followed by a comma

- the publisher, set in quotation marks and followed by a comma

- when citing a collection, the opening and closing pages of the article are given at the end. The pages are separated by a capital dash without a space and a full stop at the end

- when citing from a periodical, the title of the article is followed by // followed by a space. The year of publication (without the anniversary) is then indicated, followed by a comma and a space, and then the No. sign and the issue number. This is followed by a full stop and a space, and then the opening and closing pages of the article cited (in the manner already described in the preceding paragraph).

- In the cited bibliography in Cyrillic, the transliteration of the bibliographic description is given after the bibliographic description in brackets.

- In-text citations of authors in Latin are given in parentheses with the last name, year and (if available) a page citation of the cited author: (Popov 1984: 234)

- in-text citations to authors in Cyrillic are in parentheses with the surname - in Cyrillic and transliterated - plus the year and (if available) page: (Popov/Popov 1984: 234)

- Each author transliterates his literature cited, which is in Cyrillic.

               For transliteration of Bulgarian sources you can use:

               For transliteration of sources in Russian you can use:


As a reminder, the indexers insist that citations are mostly from the last 5 years, which is a sign of the author's scientific awareness of the current situation, and that it is better to avoid self-citations, which distort the statistics in the platform. Use footnotes when referring to your own previous research.


7. Reviews should have a title and give full bibliographic details of the book being reviewed. They are subject to all of the above requirements in presenting information about their author and in citation.

8. Due to the necessity to observe the regularity of the magazine - twice a year (at the beginning of summer and before Christmas), we pay special attention to the strict observance of the deadlines for the submission of materials - at the latest two months after their order.

  9. The journal "Literaturata" publishes only texts that have been written specifically for the respective thematic issue or at least - this publication is their first printed one. The Editorial Board is not responsible for any subsequent use of the work. The author of the text is responsible for its originality.

10. "Literaturata“ accepts only texts that apply for publication through the Scholar One System.

We are grateful for your honesty and understanding, which are in the interest of our Philological Guild.