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Year XVI (2022), issue 29

Slavic Studies in the Third Millennium

The issue in pdf 



Mikhail Epstein. The Dialectics of Hyper. From Modernism to Postmodernism

(Transl. from English by Milena Popova)  / 11

Guido Snel. Garbage Heap, Storehouse, Encyclopedia: Metaphors for a Post-Yugoslav

Cultural Memory. Smoking, and Drawing on Little Boxes

 (Transl. from English by Ruzha Muskurova)  / 45

Lyudmil Dimitrov. Slavic Literatures in Bulgaria: A (Non)User’s Guide  / 70

Fotiny Christakoudy-Konstantinidou. Bulgarian Studies at Democritus University and the

Reception of Bulgarian Literature in Greece  / 84

Liudmila Mindova. Women Contribution to Croatian Studies in Bulgaria / 99

Vladimir Kolev. Pragmatics of Four Aeneids  / 119

Igor I. Kaliganov. The Second Variant 1879 of the Pypin’s History

of Bulgarian Literature  / 144

Piotr Misztela. Seismographic author and the Literary Cataclysms. Anton Strashimirov on

the Paths of Stanisław Przybyszewski  / 176

Zhan Yanyi. Symmetrical Structures of Ivaylo Petrov’s Works: “Ground Swell”, “Before I

Was Born and after My Death” and “A Hunt for Wolves”  / 206

Ivan Ivanov. Slavic Literatures between Postmodernism and World Literature  / 217



Juliana Stoyanova. The Archetype of the Hero in the Novel “Tobacco”

by Dimitar Dimov  / 231



Desislava Dincheva. Geo Milev and César Vallejo – Dialogic Readings  / 254

Preslava Peneva. A Wise Sinner Named Judas Iscariot: The Image of Judas in Nikolay

Raynov’s Novel “Between the Desert and the Life”  / 282

Ivana Tanusheva. The Literary Cafe in the Interwar Period through the Memoirs

of Kiril Krastev and Konstantin Konstantinov  / 301



Liudmila Mindova. One Hundred Years of The Zenith  / 319

Emiliya Makedonska. (Un)Ordinary Life  / 324

Martin Kolev. The Four Sides of the Human Omnitool: on “God with Machine. Subtracting

the Human” by Miglena Nikolchina  / 331

Ivan Ivanov. “Adornments and grimaces” – between Ludic Inevitability and Academic

Perfectionism  / 339


For the Authors  / 350

Journal “The Literature”  / 364

Requirements for Publications in the Journal “The Literature”  / 367

Ethics of Publication  / 370