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Peer review

Peer review

The independent double-blind, anonymous peer review process follows the steps:

- The article is sent to two reviewers for evaluation, who are selected by the editors according to the following requirements: habilitated scholars; scholars with an international presence; scholars who agree to abide by the rules for independent evaluation through double-blind, anonymous peer review, also guaranteed by the Scholar One System.



The texts offered for the journal "Literaturata" are checked for copyright originality through plugin, part of the e-learning system of Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski"-

Authors are responsible for their articles in the journal – they should be printed for the first time in the journal. The publisher is not responsible for subsequent use of the work.


Year XIII (2019), issue 22

The canon in the new millennium

Issue in pdf


Longxi Zhang. Canon and World Literature (Transl. from Englishby Ruzha Muskurova) / 9

Alastair Fowler. Genre and the Literary Canon (Transl. from Englishby Georgi Georgiev) / 21

Tadeusz Szczerbowski. The Literary Canon as a Temporary Resultof Intentional Play (Transl. from Russianby Rumyana Evtimova / 58

Гилин, Р., 1982. Морфологична класификация на определителния член в българския език. Съпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics, 8(3), pp.16–22.
Герджиков, Г., 1990. Развоят на индоевропейските езици към аналитизъм и някои всеобщи типологични зависимости. Съпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics, 15(4–5), pp.151–157.


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