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Allan K. Metaphor and Metonymy: A Diachronic Approach. Publications of the Philological Society. Wiley-Blackwell; 2009. 255 p.

The way in which we understand the concept of intelligence is rooted in metaphor and metonymy; for example, it is common to describe people as ‘bright’ or ‘thick’. This book explores the motivation for some of the lexemes in this semantic field across the history of the English language, considering the range of cognitive mechanisms and cultural factors that can inform metaphorical and metonymical mappings.

Martirosyan HK. Etymological Dictionary of the Armenian Inherited Lexicon. Leiden Indo-European etymological dictionary series. Leiden ; Boston: Brill; 2009. XVI, 988 p.

As an Indo-European language, Armenian has been the subject of etymological research for over a hundred years. There are many valuable systematic handbooks, studies and surveys on comparative Armenian linguistics. Almost all of these works, with a few exceptions, mostly concentrate on Classical Armenian and touch the dialects only sporadically. Non-literary data taken from Armenian dialects have largely remained outside of the scope of Indo-European etymological considerations. This book provides an up-to-date description of the Indo-European lexical stock of Armenian with systematic inclusion of dialectal data. It incorporates the lexical, phonetic, and morphological material in the Armenian dialects into the etymological treatment of the Indo-European lexicon. In this respect it is completely new.

Matasović R. Etymological Dictionary of Proto-Celtic. Leiden Indo-European etymological dictionary series. Leiden ; Boston: Brill; 2009. XII, 544 p.

This is the first etymological dictionary of Proto-Celtic to be published after a hundred years, synthesizing the work of several generations of Celtic scholars. It contains a reconstructed lexicon of Proto-Celtic with ca. 1500 entries. The principal lemmata are alphabetically arranged words reconstructed for Proto-Celtic. Each lemma contains the reflexes of the Proto-Celtic words in the individual Celtic languages, the Proto-Indo-European (PIE) roots from which they developed, as well as the cognate forms from other Indo-European languages. The focus is on the development of forms from PIE to Proto-Celtic, but histories of individual words are explained in detail, and each lemma is accompanied by an extensive bibliography. The introduction contains an overview of the phonological developments from PIE to Proto-Celtic, and the volume includes an appendix treating the probable loanwords from unknown non-IE substrates in Proto-Celtic.

Jovanović D. Razodetja. Ljubljana: Študentska založba; 2009. 152 p.

Razodetja, dramski tekst za gledališče Dušana Jovanovića so žanrski hibridi, neukrotljivo tkanje misli, samocitatov iz igre Karamazovi ali Prevzgoja srca, priličenje tega besedila novemu okvirju pomilenijskega sveta, v katerem živimo. naše branje usmerja užitek, ki se hrani prav iz jovanovićevske zavesti, da umetnost lahko nastaja samo kot arhaično kljubovanje globaliziranemu in poblagovljenemu sedanjiku ideološke nestrpnosti in ekonomskega liberalizma. Prav primerjava s Karamazovimi pokaže, da tokrat ne gre več za dramsko pisavo, ki je namerno precej klasično usmerjena, ampak smo (podobno kot npr. pri Uganki korajže) res onstran drame. Jovanović presega na odprto dramaturgijo, zaključek je prepuščen bralcu, kljub temu da ironična ali cinična poanta, ki zaključuje tekst, pušča možnost uganiti končni položaj.


Книгата представя типологията на българските именни фрази в контекста на Опорната фразова граматика. Видовете словосъчетания са описани и с оглед на честотата им в българския синтактично анотиран корпус - Бултрибанк.

Krasoń K, Czerkawski A. Skłonność emergencyjna dzieci i adolescentów : utopia socjoempatycznej podmiotowości, zachowania ryzykowne a potencjał ekspresyjny spotkania. Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach, 0208-6336. Katowice: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego; 2009. 175, [1] p.
Langacker RW. Gramatyka kognitywna : wprowadzenie. Kraków: Towarzystwo Autorów i Wydawców Prac Naukowych Universitas; 2009. 758, [2] : il. p.
tł. Elżbieta Tabakowska [et al.].
Петрова В. Димитър Бояджиев 1880-1911. Биобиблиография [Интернет]. Пазарджик: Регионална библиотека „Никола Фурнаджиев“; 2009 [цитиран 29.07.2015AD]. 112 p.

Книгата преосмисля основни положения в историята на изкуството, търси генеалогията на понятието визуален образ, връзката му с визуалната култура и не на последно място, историзира самата идея за край на историята на изкуството. Това е не само конкретно изследване на визуалността, но също и на социалните, културни и институционални условия за нейното познание, което отдалечава работата му от традиционното изкуствознание и я приближава към трансдисциплинарно културологични и антропологични изследвания, както и към културната история на съвременността (Ал. Кьосев). Интерпретираща огромен свод както от класически произведения на изкуството, така и от съвременни български художествени практики (от Фра Анджелико до Надежда Ляхова), изследването инкорпорира множество визуални материали и предлага възможност за многомерно мислене върху визуалната култура.

Giles H. Communication accommodation theory. В: Matsumoto D. Cambridge Dictionary of Psychology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2009. с 120.
Коева С. Езикови ресурси и компютърни програми с приложениe в лингвистичните изследвания. В IT наръчник за хуманитаристи [Интернет]. Пловдив: Пловдивски университет „Паисий Хилендарски“; 2009 [цитиран 20.10.2014AD]. с-ци 30–53.
Боров Т. Сградата на Народната библиотека: Накратко разказана дълга печална история. В: Янакиева Т. Тодор Боров. Избрани страници. София: Университетско издателство „Св. Климент Охридски“; 2009. с-ци 497–524.
Боров Т. Народната библиотека и българската литература. В: Янакиева Т. Тодор Боров. Избрани страници. София: Университетско издателство "Св. Климент Охридски"; 2009. с-ци 598–614.
Събев О. Кражбата на книги в Османската империя през XIX век: престъпление и наказание. В: Данова Н. Балканите: Между традицията и модерността: Административни, социално-икономически и културно-просветни институции в балканските провинции на Османската империя (XVIII–XIX век). . София: Гутенберг; 2009. с-ци 177–199.
Сивриев С. Модерното повествование в идилиите на Петко Тодоров. В Литературна археология [Интернет]. 2009 [цитиран 06.01.2015AD].
Книгата е част от брой 6, февруари 2009 г. на сп. Литературен свят. Литературна археология е сборник от статии в електронен формат.
Славейков П. Душата на художника. В: Сугарев Е. Критическото наследство на българския модернизъм. София: Боян Пенев; 2009. с-ци 13–19.
Поппетров Н. Национално, авторитарно, дясно – към промяна! Бележки към идейното наследство на българския десен политически поток 1918-1944 г. (Вместо предговор). В: Поппетров Н. Социално наляво, национализмът – напред. Програмни и организационни документи на български авторитаристки националистически формации. София: Гутенберг; 2009. с 15.
Trencsenyi B. History and Character: Visions of National Peculiarity in the Romanian Political Discourse of the Nineteenth-Century. В: Mishkova D. We, the People: Politics of National Peculiarity in Southeastern Europe. Budapest & New York: CEU Press; 2009.
Evans R. Aspects of the Grotesque in Franz Kafka’s The Metamorphosis. В: Bloom H, Hobby B. The Grotesque. New York: Infobase Publishing; 2009. с-ци 135–145.
Laskova V. A comparative analysis of the English and Bulgarian participles with a view to their categorial status. Съпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics. 2009;34(3):5–24.

This article presents an analysis of the categorial status of English and Bulgarian participles with special attention to the prenominally used participles. First, we isolate a group of English participles, which we call postmodified participles, which we show to be real verbal participles (not adjectival phrases), something that has been, to my knowledge, unnoticed so far. The analysis of these participles is extended to Bulgarian, where they can occur also in prenominal position. The fact that the prenominal position in Bulgarian can host clearly verbal participles is used as an argument against the wide-spread view that prenominal participles in English are all adjectival expressions. In particular, we argue that the impossibility of the postmodified participles to occur in prenominal position in English is simply due to the right recursion restriction and not to their being verbal. We provide also some semantic evidence showing that prenominally used English participles are not necessarily „stative“, as suggested in the literature. Finally, we analyse some English phrases in which the prenominally used participle can be argued to be a verbal and not an adjectival or an ambiguous expression.

Valma E. Etude morphosémantique du futur en parlers grecs de la Bulgarie. Съпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics. 2009;34(3):25–40.

In this paper I investigate the properties of the future in Dialectal Modern Greek spoken in Bulgaria. Even though future has been described before, the analysis of its actual dialect use remains interesting for the Sparchbund and more generally for typology. I will base my analysis on the aspectual model of Desclés and Guentchéva in order to explain the double aspect (perfective and imperfective) and its particular uses in Dialectal Modern Greek. I will argue that the use of future-referring periphrases (as θe na) provides evidence for the relation between future and modality and I will try to explain the link between future on the one hand, and possibility, probability and volition, on the other hand.

Георгиева В. Полисемия в българската и английската военноморска терминология. Съпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics. 2009;34(2):21–35.

The article discusses both traditional and less common views of polysemy in terminology, il- lustrating them with Bulgarian and English naval terms. Polysemy, which is a manifestation of language variation and the tendency towards economy, is more strongly represented in English naval terminology. There is asymmetry between the two languages, one of the corresponding terms often having a wider/narrower meaning. In cases of borrowing of English naval terms into Bulgarian, semantic distinctions may be expressed by different suffixation. Polysemy rarely causes ambiguities leading to communication breakdown.


The article offers a brief characterization of evidentiality in Bulgarian which, in addition to lexical and syntactic expression, finds morphological expression primarily, and of evidentiality in Polish. Lexical and syntactic markers predominate there and only one construction ma + infinitive in one of its uses approaches the Bulgarian renarrated forms. Two types of sociolinguistic changes in indirect speech, noticeable in the Bulgarian press after 1989, are also discussed: changes in the choice of forms in reports from abroad and in rendering statements made by officials at home.

Холанди Р. Семантични групи при компаративните фразеологични единици в английския и в българския език. Съпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics. 2009;34(1):5–22.

The comparative phraseological units represent a specific layer in language phraseology due to their structure and semantics. They have all the basic features of the phraseological unit. Based on a corpus of 729 English and 1315 Bulgarian comparative units, the study aims to establish the semantic relations within them. The material is organized in several semantic groups. The match between the two languages is established. The percentage is given of the identical, the close in meaning and the comparative units that have no correspondence in the other language

Славова Т. Неизвестен старобългарски сан. Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика. 2009;33:3–15.

The article examines unknown until now evidence about a dignitary, holding the title дроугъ / дрѫгъ / дрьгъ / дръгъ / дергъ, which were found in the Slavonic version of Chronographia Georgii Synceli, the Biblical book of Jonah 3: 7 and Martyrium St. Clementis, Papae Romani. These medieval Slavonic texts have been preserved in copied manuscripts from the 14-th –15-th century, but had been translated in Bulgaria centuries earlier, some of them into the Glagolithic alphabet. The Greek equivalents of the Slavonic title (σύγκλητος ἡ, ἐκ τῆς συγκλήτου, συγκλητός ὁ, μεγιστᾶνος, ἄρχων, οἱ ἐν τέλει ὅντες, περιφανής) prove that it was used to refer to a notable person, a boyar, a dignitary, a person of power. It is argued that the different phonetic variants do not depend on the spelling in the manuscripts and that the etymology of the primary form дроугъ was a parallel in the Altayan lexeme даруγа, darga t.e. “who stands at the head, a man of hiegher status”, a borrowing from the Persian dВrоγВ, darova. This Persian-Altayan title was brought by the {protoBulgarians}, but it lost its meaning early, became vague for the Slavonic men of letters, who either “corrected” дроугъ into дрѫгъ or reinterpreted дроугъ according to the Slavonic root дрьг-/дрьж- in the sense thath it signifies streughth and power.

Славова Т. Неизвестен старобългарски сан. Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика. 2009;33:3–15.

The article examines unknown until now evidence about a dignitary, holding the title дроугъ / дрѫгъ / дрьгъ / дръгъ / дергъ, which were found in the Slavonic version of Chronographia Georgii Synceli, the Biblical book of Jonah 3: 7 and Martyrium St. Clementis, Papae Romani. These medieval Slavonic texts have been preserved in copied manuscripts from the 14-th –15-th century, but had been translated in Bulgaria centuries earlier, some of them into the Glagolithic alphabet. The Greek equivalents of the Slavonic title (σύγκλητος ἡ, ἐκ τῆς συγκλήτου, συγκλητός ὁ, μεγιστᾶνος, ἄρχων, οἱ ἐν τέλει ὅντες, περιφανής) prove that it was used to refer to a notable person, a boyar, a dignitary, a person of power. It is argued that the different phonetic variants do not depend on the spelling in the manuscripts and that the etymology of the primary form дроугъ was a parallel in the Altayan lexeme даруγа, darga t.e. “who stands at the head, a man of hiegher status”, a borrowing from the Persian dВrоγВ, darova. This Persian-Altayan title was brought by the {protoBulgarians}, but it lost its meaning early, became vague for the Slavonic men of letters, who either “corrected” дроугъ into дрѫгъ or reinterpreted дроугъ according to the Slavonic root дрьг-/дрьж- in the sense thath it signifies streughth and power.

Вачкова К. Петър Пашов (1.04.1931–5.04.2009). Съпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics. 2009;34(3):163.
Иванова Д. В памет на Емил Кудличка. Съпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics. 2009;34(3):163–165.
Вучева Е. Библиография на трудовете на Мария Китова. Съпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics. 2009;34(2):121–125.
Михайлова И. Съдържание на годишнина XXXIV (2009) на списание Съпоставително езикознание. Съпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics. 2009;34(3):166–171.
Стаменов Х. Библиография на трудовете на Мария Георгиева. Съпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics. 2009;34(2):128–132.
Leschber C. Kongressbericht The Swadesh Centenary Conference. Съпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics. 2009;34(2):136–137.
Кючукова-Петринска Б. Научна конференция Езици и култури в диалог: традиции, приемственост, новаторство. Съпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics. 2009;34(1):168–170.
Ликоманова И. Втора среща на италианските слависти лингвисти. Съпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics. 2009;34(1):171–172.
Михайлов К. Езиковедската проблематика в две международни славистични конференции. Съпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics. 2009;34(2):133–135.
Младенова Д. Конференция Глаголната система на балканските езици – наследство и неология. Съпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics. 2009;ХХХIV(3):158–162.
Паренти С. Книга за книгите. Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика. 2009;33(1):78–84.
Málek J. Ottův slovník naučný. Přibyslavský čtvrtletník, kultura, historie a příroda Přibyslavska. 2009;8(2):17.
Морозов А. Вера в мире коммуникаций. Православие и мир: Ежедневное интернет СМИ [Интернет]. 2009 [цитиран 27.10.2014AD];.