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Заглавие Последна промянанизходящо сортиране
The Latin Mission in Bulgaria in 866–870 (chapter {II)} 11.10.2013
The Frescoes of Sts Peter and Paul’s Church in Veliko Tarnovo 11.10.2013
The Latin Mission in Bulgaria in 866–870 (chapter I) 11.10.2013
The Latin Mission in Bulgaria in 866–870 (chapter {II)} 11.10.2013
The Frescoes of Sts Peter and Paul’s Church in Veliko Tarnovo 11.10.2013
The Slavonic Translation of Symeon Mesopotamites’ Sermo, quod semper mente versare debemus diem exitus de vita ({CPG} 4035) together with Some Critical Comments on Symeon’s Identity 11.10.2013
The Myth of a Slavonic Translation of Pseudo-Nonnus’ Scholia Mythologia in Orationes Gregorii Nazianzeni 11.10.2013
The Symeonic Florilegium – Problems of its Origin, Content, Textology, and Edition, Together with and English Translation of the Eulogy of Tzar Symeon 11.10.2013
The Problem of the Reception of the Works of John {IV} Ieiunator of Constantinople among the Slavs: Nicon of the Black Mount and Cirycus of Novgorod 11.10.2013
The Old Bulgarian Translation of the Homilies of Ephraem Syrus 11.10.2013
The Bulgarian Theme in Constantinople’s Monuments (A new approach in the study of Bulgarian and Byzantine cultural memory) 11.10.2013
Tschechische Terminologie der ältesten slawischen Schriftsprache 11.10.2013
Tense and Modality 12.10.2013
Towards a model for the development of speech perception 12.10.2013
The phonological basis of sound change 12.10.2013
The listener as the source of sound change 12.10.2013
The phonetics of sound change 12.10.2013
The origin of sound patterns in vocal tract constraints 12.10.2013
The search for invariant acoustic correlates of phonetic features 12.10.2013
The Slavonic Languages 12.10.2013
The Self as Other. Own name, other name, second and thirs person pronouns as designators for self by French speaking children. 12.10.2013
The Acquisition of Romance, with Special Reference to French 12.10.2013
Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. Handbook 1: Cognitive Domain 16.10.2013
The national exam - test (the language component) in the Bulgarian secondary school and grammatical competence of the students 16.10.2013
Towards the electronic publication in Slavic studies (e-journal Littera et Lingua ) 17.10.2013
Typological analysis of the imperative paradigms in the Slavic languages 26.10.2013
The Comparative Phonetics of Russian and the Other Slavic Languages: Toward a Standard IPA Transcription 26.10.2013
Typological characteristics of co-reference chains in English and Bulgarian journalistic style 26.10.2013
The relationship between entity and space in English and Bulgarian existential sentences 26.10.2013
The Journal 26.10.2013
Team 14.12.2013
Team 14.12.2013
The Martyrdom of St. George: Introduction 23.12.2013
The Origin of the Cult of St. George 23.12.2013
The Nordic languages: An International Handbook of the History of the North Germanic Languages 26.12.2013
The origins of the Slavs: a linguist's view 26.12.2013
