Macedonia: L’arte medievale dal IX al XV secolo |
05.05.2014 |
Main Currents in Nineteenth-Century Literature |
03.04.2015 |
Majlinda Bushaj |
03.12.2016 |
Managing Enterprise Content: A Unified Content Strategy |
19.01.2014 |
Manuel de critique verbale apliquée aux textes latins |
06.04.2015 |
Manuscrits datés conservés dans les Pays-Bas |
14.04.2015 |
Marco Polo. La description du monde |
06.04.2015 |
Mária Košková a kolektiv. Bulharsko-slovenský slovník I (A-K). Bratislava, 2004 (str. 709) |
14.03.2015 |
Maria Naka |
12.01.2017 |
Marin Drinov (1838–1906) – Begründer de bulgarischen Slawistik und Mediävistik |
11.10.2013 |
Mark Twain in Japan: The Cultural Reception of an American Icon |
03.04.2015 |
Marta Gajęcka |
18.05.2014 |
Martyrium der XLII Märtyrer zu Amorium |
26.09.2013 |
Martyrium des Kodratus |
25.09.2013 |
Martyrium des St. Dometius |
26.09.2013 |
Masculine and feminine speech in dyads and groups : A study of speech style and gender salience |
22.10.2014 |
Materials |
14.12.2013 |
Materials for the Study of the Mosaics of St. Sophia in Istanbul. Washington, D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks. |
17.02.2016 |
Maurice of Sully and the Medieval Verancular Homily, with the text of Maurice's French homilies from a Sens cathedral chapter ms |
14.04.2015 |
Mediaeval and Tudor Music and Musicians in Hertfordshire: The Graffiti Evidence |
14.02.2016 |
Medieval French Miniatures |
14.04.2015 |
Medieval Heresy : Popular Movements from Bogomil to Hus |
14.04.2015 |
Medieval Monasticism: Forms of Religious Life in Western Europe in the Middle Ages. 3rd ed. New York: Pearson Education. |
04.04.2015 |
Medieval Texts and Their First Appearance in Print |
06.04.2015 |
Mehmed the Conqueror and His Time |
14.02.2016 |
Memamorphoses of Science Fiction |
02.02.2017 |
Mémoire sur le système primitif des voyelles dans les langues indo-européennes |
26.12.2013 |
Memory, Thought, and Behavior |
14.04.2015 |
Mental Spaces: Aspects of Meaning Construction in Natural Language |
02.02.2017 |
Mentalization and Explication in South Church Slavonic Redactions of the Psalter |
08.01.2014 |
Metafiction |
26.06.2017 |
Metafiction – The Theory and Practice of Self-Conscious Fiction |
26.06.2017 |
Metafory w naszym życiu |
19.10.2014 |
Metaphor and Metonymy: A Diachronic Approach |
26.09.2013 |
Methodius’s Kanon to Saint Demetrius of Thessaloniki |
11.10.2013 |
Methods Grab in der Kathedrale von Morava |
11.10.2013 |