I.-E. palatovelars before resonants in Balto-Slavic |
26.12.2013 |
Iconographia Albertina |
14.04.2015 |
Iconographie de l’art chrétien |
14.04.2015 |
Ihr, dir, or mir? On the acquisition of pronouns in German children |
12.10.2013 |
Illyrian, Thracian, Daco-Mysian, the Substratum of Romanian and Albanian |
09.12.2017 |
Images in the Margins of Gothic Manuscripts |
14.04.2015 |
Imiesłowy przysłówkowe we współczesnym języku polskim i bułgarskim (Frekwencja i podstawowe różnice w dystrybucjach) |
06.10.2013 |
Impact of Research on the Approach to the Visiting Public at the Natural History Museum, London |
03.04.2017 |
Imparfait et présent dans la complétive française et bulgare |
26.10.2013 |
Implications aspecto-temporelles en français et en bulgare |
26.10.2013 |
Implicit measures in social cognition research : Their meaning and use |
08.07.2014 |
Improving the Educational Role of Museums in Society |
03.04.2017 |
In memoriam |
27.06.2017 |
In memoriam |
27.06.2017 |
In memoriam Eлена Тончева (26.VІ.1933–3.ІІ.2011) |
08.01.2014 |
In memoriam [Дмитрий Сергеевич Лихачов] |
11.10.2013 |
In memoriam [Стефан Кожухаров] |
11.10.2013 |
In memoriam академик Франц Якопин (1921–2002) |
11.10.2013 |
In memoriam Иван Дуйчев |
11.10.2013 |
In memoriam – Раля Михайловна Цейтлин |
11.10.2013 |
In memoriam. Румяна Павлова |
08.01.2014 |
In Memoriam: Dalibor Brozović |
26.09.2013 |
In memоriаm clarissimi professoris Georgii Mihailov (19.X.1915–19.XII.1991) |
26.11.2013 |
Individual differences and their Implications for Theories of Language Development |
12.10.2013 |
Indo-European E-, A-, O- in Slavic |
27.09.2013 |
Indo-European Linguistics : An Introduction |
18.05.2014 |
Indogermanische Grammatik |
26.12.2013 |
Indogermanische Suffixe der Komparation und Deminutivbildung |
19.05.2014 |
Indogermanisches etymologisches Wörterbuch |
26.12.2013 |
Infant speech perception and the development of the mental lexicon |
12.10.2013 |
Informacja o określoności w znaczeniach temporalnych form werbalnych w języku polskim i bułgarskim |
26.10.2013 |
Ink: The Book of All Hours 2 |
02.02.2017 |
Institutions cénobitiques |
05.04.2015 |
Instructions for a Devout and Literate Layman |
14.04.2015 |
Instrumentale Nominalphrasen im Deutschen und im Russischen |
26.10.2013 |
Inter Angelos Daemonesque / Между ангели и демони (Международна научна конференция, Лесидрен 30 август – 1 септември 2001 |
11.10.2013 |