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Заглавиевъзходящо сортиране Последна промяна
Byzantská kultúra v slovanskom prostredí v VI.-XII. storočí : k problému recepcie a transformácie 10.10.2013
Byzantine church decoration and the Great schism of 1054 05.05.2014
Bułgarzy 19.01.2017
Bulgarski Knizhitsi and the first translation of Uncle Tom's Cabin 20.03.2016
Bulgaro-Byzantine Treaties during the Early Middle Ages 11.10.2013
Bulgarian WordNet as a Source for (Psycho)linguistic Studies 28.09.2013
Bulgarian word stress in the light of Primary Accent First formal theory 28.10.2009
Bulgarian Verbs of Change of Location 26.09.2013
Bulgarian phrasebook 26.09.2013
Bulgarian monasteries 22.05.2014
Bulgaria and Moravia between Byzantium, the Franks and Rome 11.10.2013
Bulgaren und Deutsche im Zeitalter der Ottonen (919–1024) 11.10.2013
Building National Museums in Europe 1750–2010: Conference Proceedings from EuNaMus, European National Museums: Identity Politics, the Uses of the Past and the European Citizen, Bologna 28–30 April. 08.03.2017
Budapest’s Statue Park and House of Terror. 26.02.2017
Budapest Revisits its Recent Horrors: Museum Stirs Debate on Past 26.02.2017
Budapest Government Reduces Funding for Museum of Communist Terror. 26.02.2017
Budapest City Council Orders Change to ‘House of Terror’ 26.02.2017
Boundedness 28.01.2013
Boundaries and borders in Balkan Slavic 27.09.2013
Border Crossing: Cultural Workers and the Politics of Education. 03.04.2017
Books and Their Makers during the Middle Ages 14.04.2015
Bolgarskij Rospev und die Mittelosteuropäische Musik im {XVI.–XVIII.} Jh. 11.10.2013
Boj za poslednjega lipicanca 01.05.2014
Body Language in Literature 08.07.2014
Body Language : How to Read Others' Thoughts by Their Gestures 08.07.2014
Bodily Communication 08.07.2014
Blocage du passif en français et en bulgare 26.10.2013
Blessed Ignorance? A Comparative Perspective on Eastern and Western Missionary Approaches to the Transmission of Knowledge 08.01.2014
Blackwell Handbook of Social Psychology : Intergroup Processes 24.10.2014
Bio-bibliographia franciscana neerlandico ante seculum XVI 14.04.2015
Bilingual accommodation 08.07.2014
Bijdragen tot de kennis van het leven en de werken van Jan van Ruusbroec 14.04.2015
BibTeX 14.12.2013
BibTeX 14.12.2013
Bibliotheca Hieronymiana manuscripta : La tradition manuscrite des oeuvres de saint Jérôme 14.04.2015
Bibliotheca hagiographica graeca 01.06.2014
