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Krosnick, J.A. и съавт. авт-ри, 2005. The measurement of attitudes. В D. Albarracin, Johnson, B. T., & Zanna, M. P., ред-ри The Handbook of Attitudes. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, с-ци 21–76.
Originally Published in Saints' Lives in Middle English Collections. Kalamazoo, Michigan: Medieval Institute Publications, 2004
Wilderink, V. авт, 1964. Les Exhortations de la bienheureuse Françoise d'Amboise. Carmelus, 9, с-ци221–266.
Wilmart, A. авт, 1938. L’odyssée du manuscrit de San Pietro qui renferme les oeuvres de Saint-Hilaire. В L. Webber Jones, ред Classical and Medieval Studies in Honour of Edward Kennard Rand: Presented upon the completion of his 40th year of teaching. New York: Leslie Webber Jones, с-ци 293–305.
Kolers, P.A. авт, 1979. Introduction. В P. A. Kolers, Wrolstad, M. E., & Bouma, H., ред-ри Processing Visible Language. Springer, с-ци 3–5.
Tajfel, H. & Turner, J. авт-ри, 1979. An integrative theory of intergroup conflict. В W. G. Austin & Worchel, S., ред-ри The Social Psychology of Intergroup Relations. Montere: Brooks ; Cole, с-ци 35–53.
Waddington, R.B. авт, 1970. The Iconography of Silence and Chapman's Hercules. Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 33, с-ци248–263.
Scheeben, H.Christian & Walz, A.Maria авт-ри, 1932. Iconographia Albertina, Freiburg i. Br: Herder.
Rosch, E.H. авт, 1977. Human categorization. В N. Warren, ред Advances in cross-cultural psychology. London: Academic Press, с-ци 1 – 49.
Wortley, john авт, 2006. How the Desert Fathers “Meditated”. Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies, 46, с-ци315–328. Available at: [Отворен на 28.03.2015AD].
Weinreich, U., Labov, W. & Herzog, M.I. авт-ри, 1968. Empirical Foundation for a Theory of Language Change. В W. P. Lehmann & Malkeil, Y., ред-ри Directions for historical linguistics: A symposium. Austin, {TX}: Univ. of Texas Press, с-ци 95–188.
Witkowski, L. авт, 2007. Edukacja i humanistyka : nowe (kon)teksty dla nowoczesnych nauczycieli 2nd изд, Warszawa: Instytut Badań Edukacyjnych.
Wyd. 2. popr. i zm
Herausgegeben von Eckhard Weiher unter Mitarbeit von Felix Keller und Heinz Miklas.
Walder, D. авт, 1981. Dickens and Religion, London: Allen & Unwin.
Penkova, P. авт, 1988. Der Beitrag Methods zu den slavischen Totenoffizia. В K. Trost, Völkl, E., & Wedel, E., ред-ри Symposium Methodianum. Beiträge der Internationalen Tagung in Regensburg (17. bis 24. April 1985) zum Gedenken an den 1100. Todestag des hl. Method. Neuried: Hieronymus, с-ци 217–228.
Kapitány, Á. & Kapitány, G. авт-ри, 2008. Cultural Pattern of a Museum Guide (House of Terror, Budapest). В S. Wahnich, Lášticová, B., & Findor, A., ред-ри Politics of Collective Memory: Cultural Patterns of Commemorative Practices in Post-War Europe. Vienna: LIT Verlag.
Giles, H. & Ogay, T. авт-ри, 2006. Communication accommodation theory. В B. B. Whaley & Samter, W., ред-ри Explaining Communication: Contemporary Theories and Exemplars. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, с-ци 293–310.
Wilmart, A. авт, 1971. Auteurs spirituels et textes dévots du moyen âge latin 2nd изд, Paris: Études d’Historie littéraire.


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