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Развоят на индоевропейските езици към аналитизъм и някои всеобщи типологични зависимости

ЗаглавиеРазвоят на индоевропейските езици към аналитизъм и някои всеобщи типологични зависимости
Вид на публикациятаJournal Article
Година на публикуване1990
АвториГерджиков, Г
СписаниеСъпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics
Език на публикациятаbul

A method is proposed for measuring various typological indices of morphological paradigms: the average degree of syntheticity (s) and the reciprocal index, the average degree of analyticity (a), the average degree of compositionality (c); the average degree of markedness (m); and the reciprocal index (m), which can be considered as an index of amorphologism (or, in the historical plane, of demorphologization). It is proved on this basis that in language c = a . m and, correspondingly, a = cm. That is why the development towards analyticity leads to the development of composed forms or to demorphologization. Further on, an index of the average degree of discretization of grammatical information on a formal level is introduced (d), and an index of the average degree of polimorphemity of word forms (π) which is one of the indicators of agglutination. On this basis the correlation d = a . π is put forward. Languages tend towards a high d because thus a high degree of isomorphism between the level of expression and the level of content is achieved. However, while in agglutinative languages high d is achieve mainly through high π, i. е. it follows from the agglutinative structure itself, in inflexion languages d is achieved mainly through the increase of a and only partly through the increase of π. And finally out of the first two equations it follows that d = c . m . π (cf. the three ways in which d is increased in the history of Indo-European languages). The correlations are only part of the typological laws which can be explicated in the same fashion.

Код за цитиранеГерджиков1990
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