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Заглавиенизходящо сортиране Последна промяна
The Martyrdom of St. George: Introduction 23.12.2013
The Master of Egerton 1070 : Hours of Rene d'Anjou 14.04.2015
The Meaning of Meaning. A Study of the Influence of Language upon Thought and of the Science of Symbolism 01.04.2015
The measurement of attitudes 08.07.2014
The measurement of language attitudes 08.07.2014
The Medieval Reader and Textual Criticism 05.04.2015
The Medium is the museum: on Objects and Logics in Time and Space 13.03.2017
The Miracles of the Archangels in the Athonite Monastery of Docheiariou – a Diplomatic Edition of the Greek and Slavic Text 11.10.2013
The Modern Museum: Requirements and Problems of a New Approach 03.04.2017
The Monastery of Sázava: Methodian Continuity North of the Danube? 11.10.2013
The more positive evaluation of men than women on the gender-stereotyped traits 24.10.2014
The MUMIN multimodal coding scheme 18.10.2014
The Museum Experience 03.04.2017
The Museum Experience Revisited 03.04.2017
The Myth of a Slavonic Translation of Pseudo-Nonnus’ Scholia Mythologia in Orationes Gregorii Nazianzeni 11.10.2013
The myth of the aumbry : Notes on medieval reservation practice and eucharistic devotion. With special reference to the findings of Dom Gregory Dix 14.04.2015
The national exam - test (the language component) in the Bulgarian secondary school and grammatical competence of the students 16.10.2013
The Nationalization of Culture 13.03.2017
The Nordic languages: An International Handbook of the History of the North Germanic Languages 26.12.2013
The Numbering of the Johannine Saturdays and Sandays in Earlу Greek and Slavonic Gopel Lectionaries 11.10.2013
The Old Bulgarian Translation of the Homilies of Ephraem Syrus 11.10.2013
The Old Slavic Acts of the Apostles: Computer-Assisted Analysis and Comparative Presentation of the Texts 11.10.2013
The origin of sound patterns in vocal tract constraints 12.10.2013
The Origin of the Cult of St. George 23.12.2013
The Origin of the Latin Gerund and Gerundive: A New Proposal 19.05.2014
The origins of the Slavs: a linguist's view 26.12.2013
The phonetics of sound change 12.10.2013
The phonological basis of sound change 12.10.2013
The Poetic Oeuvre of Guillaume de Machaut : The Identity of Discourse and the Discourse of ldentity 05.04.2015
The Popularity of Twelfth Century Spiritual Writers in the Late Middle Ages 05.04.2015
The Portraits of Charles V of France (1338–80) 14.04.2015
The Practice of Everyday Life 26.06.2017
The Presence of the Word : Some Prolegomena for Cultural and Religious History 14.04.2015
The Primary Cases of the Tocharian Nominal Declination 19.05.2014
The Printing Press as an Agent of Change : Communication and Cultural Transformation in Early Modern Europe 06.04.2015
The Problem of the Reception of the Works of John {IV} Ieiunator of Constantinople among the Slavs: Nicon of the Black Mount and Cirycus of Novgorod 11.10.2013
