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Заглавие Последна промянавъзходящо сортиране
The more positive evaluation of men than women on the gender-stereotyped traits 24.10.2014
The effects of lexical formality on accent and trait attributions 24.10.2014
The language of intergroup distinctiveness 22.10.2014
Tożsamość regionalna – w kręgu pojęć podstawowych i metodologii badań 19.10.2014
Tożsamość, interakcja, grupa : tożsamość jednostki w perspektywie teorii socjologicznej 19.10.2014
The processes of causal attribution 18.10.2014
Towards the alphabet and the lexicon of gesture, gaze and touch 18.10.2014
Transcription Standard. Version 6.2 18.10.2014
The MUMIN multimodal coding scheme 18.10.2014
The pronouns of power and solidarity 08.07.2014
The Contexts of Accommodation: Developments in Applied Sociolinguistics 08.07.2014
The construction of attitudes 08.07.2014
The functions of nonverbal signs in conversation 08.07.2014
The measurement of language attitudes 08.07.2014
Toward a comprehensive model of nonverbal communication 08.07.2014
The measurement of attitudes 08.07.2014
The Silent Language 08.07.2014
The Hidden Dimension 08.07.2014
The chameleon effect : The perception-behavior link and social interaction 08.07.2014
The Attraction Paradigm 08.07.2014
The effects of vocalics and nonverbal sensitivity on compliance : A speech accommodation theory explanation 08.07.2014
The effects of speech rate similarity on compliance : Application of communication accommodation theory 08.07.2014
The influence of attitudes on behavior 08.07.2014
Textlinguistics 19.06.2014
Tatyana Angelova 19.06.2014
The Canon of the New Testament : Its Origin, Development, and Significance 30.05.2014
The Testament of Ioan Rilski – a Desired but Nonexistent Old-Bulgarian monument of the 40s of the Tenth Century 29.05.2014
The Origin of the Latin Gerund and Gerundive: A New Proposal 19.05.2014
The Primary Cases of the Tocharian Nominal Declination 19.05.2014
Tendencje rozwojowe współczesnych zapożyczeń angielskich w języku polskim 18.05.2014
The church of St. Panteleimon at Nerezi : architecture, programme, patronage 05.05.2014
The Janez Janša Project 02.05.2014
The Janez Janša Project 02.05.2014
The Grammatical Exegesis in the Preslav Literary School 19.01.2014
The July and August Volume of the Hilandar Menologium 08.01.2014
The Relationship Between Land and Power in Terterid Bulgaria: a Comparative Study of the Appanages of Eltimir and Smilets 08.01.2014
