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Заглавие Последна промянавъзходящо сортиране
Metafiction – The Theory and Practice of Self-Conscious Fiction 26.06.2017
Metafiction 26.06.2017
Museums Visitor Evaluation: New Tool for Management 03.04.2017
Mind, Heart and Soul: Towards Better Learning in Heritage Parks 03.04.2017
Museums and the Making of Ourselves: The Role of Objects in National Identity 13.03.2017
Museums and Memory 08.03.2017
Mostra della Rivoluzione Fascista 26.02.2017
Monde du texte et monde du lecteur 08.02.2017
Memamorphoses of Science Fiction 02.02.2017
Mental Spaces: Aspects of Meaning Construction in Natural Language 02.02.2017
Modality and Hamlet 02.02.2017
More on Narrative 02.02.2017
Minoritetet gjuhësore në Kosovë 12.01.2017
Maria Naka 12.01.2017
Majlinda Bushaj 03.12.2016
Materials for the Study of the Mosaics of St. Sophia in Istanbul. Washington, D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks. 17.02.2016
Mediaeval and Tudor Music and Musicians in Hertfordshire: The Graffiti Evidence 14.02.2016
Mehmed the Conqueror and His Time 14.02.2016
Mündliche und schriftliche Tradition im Mittelmeerraum 14.04.2015
Memory, Thought, and Behavior 14.04.2015
Maurice of Sully and the Medieval Verancular Homily, with the text of Maurice's French homilies from a Sens cathedral chapter ms 14.04.2015
Medieval French Miniatures 14.04.2015
Moment to Moment Control of Eye Saccades as a Function of Textual Parameters in Reading 14.04.2015
Manuscrits datés conservés dans les Pays-Bas 14.04.2015
Medieval Heresy : Popular Movements from Bogomil to Hus 14.04.2015
Manuel de critique verbale apliquée aux textes latins 06.04.2015
Methods of Reference in Cassiodorus 06.04.2015
Marco Polo. La description du monde 06.04.2015
Medieval Texts and Their First Appearance in Print 06.04.2015
Munimenta academica, or Documents illustrative of academical Life and Studies at Oxford 05.04.2015
Medieval Monasticism: Forms of Religious Life in Western Europe in the Middle Ages. 3rd ed. New York: Pearson Education. 04.04.2015
Main Currents in Nineteenth-Century Literature 03.04.2015
Mark Twain in Japan: The Cultural Reception of an American Icon 03.04.2015
Modernity and Self-Identity : Self and Society in the Late Modern Age 02.04.2015
Mária Košková a kolektiv. Bulharsko-slovenský slovník I (A-K). Bratislava, 2004 (str. 709) 14.03.2015
Masculine and feminine speech in dyads and groups : A study of speech style and gender salience 22.10.2014
