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Семантична структура на десубстантивните глаголи в българския и немския език

ЗаглавиеСемантична структура на десубстантивните глаголи в българския и немския език
Вид на публикациятаJournal Article
Година на публикуване1985
АвториРадева, В
СписаниеСъпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics
Език на публикациятаbul

Some desubstantival verbs in Bulgarian and German are analysed by clarifying the types of motivational relations. In this way, various degrees of materializing the universal potentials of the word-formation systems in German and Bulgarian are contrasted. The concrete realization of the common tendencies for the semantic motivation of suffixal desubstantival forms is elaborated upon. The analysis of derivative desubstantival verbs is based on some common features in their structural-semantic classification where the common word-forming base, the common word-forming pattern and word-forming motivation are taken into consideration. The aim of the paper is by finding out the common meanings of the derivative verbs to demonstrate the possibilities afforded by contrastive studies in the domain of word-formation.

Код за цитиранеРадева1985
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