Заглавие | За разстоянията между фонемите и диференциалните признаци в консонантните системи на испанския и българския език |
Вид на публикацията | Journal Article |
Година на публикуване | 1978 |
Автори | Кънчев, И |
Списание | Съпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics |
Том | 3 |
Книжка | 2 |
Страници | 52–65 |
Език на публикацията | bul |
Резюме | quantitative analysis of the Spanish and Bulgarian consonantal phonemes has been made, based on the theoretical qualitative characteristics of the two systems established experimentally by E. Álarcos, A. Gullis and J. Fernandez for Spanish and by D. Tilkov and T. Bojadžiev for Bulgarian. The average individual and common distances between the phonemes and their distinctive features have been determined in order to establish the qualitative dimensions of the degree of coherence, function and symmetry of each of the systems and to illustrate the similarities and differences between the two languages. The results of this analysis are of both theoretical and practical significance and concern general as well as applied linguistics. As far as the general linguistic aspect is concerned the data substantiate the acceptable universal features of coherence and function of the language systems which, so far, have been only of a hypothetical nature. When applied to particular cases the results prove that the inner structure of the phonological component, i. e. the phonological system is determined by the distribution of the distinctive features. As far as applied linguistics is concerned it is necessary to distinguish between the elements of the system and those of the norm. |
Код за цитиране | Кънчев1978 |