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Стилистични особености в употребата на българското местоимение нещо и неговите руски съответствия

ЗаглавиеСтилистични особености в употребата на българското местоимение нещо и неговите руски съответствия
Вид на публикациятаJournal Article
Година на публикуване1985
АвториКирова, Т
СписаниеСъпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics
Език на публикациятаbul

The indefinite pronouns which refer to inanimate objects can function as intensifiers and modal particles both in Bulgarian and in Russian. Their contribution to the meaning of the utterance in those cases is to render various nuances like uncertainty, approximation, suspicion, irony, familiarity, partitive relations, etc. depending on the context and situation. The pronoun нещо can be substantivised in order to express positive evaluation relating to an object or a person.On the other hand, it can also express the reverse: lack of respect or even contempt for a person (in combination with the demonstrative pronoun това). In addition, the paper discusses some emotive informal expressions connected with the distribution of the Russian pronoun что-то.

Код за цитиранеКирова1985
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