Заглавие | За семантико-синтактичното стягане на един тип словосъчетания в руския и българския език |
Вид на публикацията | Journal Article |
Година на публикуване | 1979 |
Автори | Енчева, Н |
Списание | Съпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics |
Том | 4 |
Книжка | 1 |
Страници | 51–56 |
Език на публикацията | bul |
Резюме | The semantic and syntactic contraction of word combinations is a manifestation of the tendency towards linguistic economy,a productive method for the formation of new economical syntactic combinations and of vivid metonymies. Because of the existing differences as to the nature of the semantic and syntactic contraction of word combinations, the author’s position is put forward. The condensed combinations of substantive plus substantive where the modifying word restricts the meaning of the head word are the object of study. Only instances of contrac44 tion by removing the head word are treated here. These condensed phrases have not been the subject of analysis yet. Bulgarian and Russian exhibit a close similarity in the use of these condensed phrases. The search for similarities and differences is of major importance for the methodology of teaching Russian to Bulgarians and for contrastive grammar in general. The semantic and syntactic contraction of word combinations is a manifestation of the tendency towards linguistic economy |
Код за цитиране | Енчева1979 |