Заглавие | Лингвистичните пресупозиции и чуждоезиковото обучение |
Вид на публикацията | Journal Article |
Година на публикуване | 1978 |
Автори | Грозданова, Л |
Списание | Съпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics |
Том | 3 |
Книжка | 6 |
Страници | 55–61 |
Език на публикацията | bul |
Резюме | One of the problems of foreign-language teaching arises from the fact that producing wellformed sentences in the target language in class is not a sufficient condition for using it successfully outside the classroom. In the light of recent linguistic developments one can hypothesize that the solution of this problem involves explication of the presuppositions of the model sentences to be learned. The object of this paper is to substantiate the said hypothesis and bear out the necessity of its experimental testing. Arguments from the fields of theoretical linguistics, sociolinguistics and psycholinguistics are presented to this end. A complete teaching act is investigated (from the presentation of a model-sentence by the teacher, through its being processed into a sentence in the target language by the student, to its eventual approbation or correction by the teacher) with the conclusion that the introduction of model-sentences without explication of the respective presuppositions can bring about failure of the teaching act. |
Код за цитиране | Грозданова1978 |