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Libri Slavici

Експорт на 183 резултата:
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Bosilkov, K. авт, 1978. Die altbulgarischen Lehnwörter im Russischen. Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика, 2(1), с-ци56–65.
Clark, E.V. авт, 1978. From gesture to word: on the natural history of deixis in language acquisition. В J. S. Bruner & Garton, A., ред-ри Human growth and development. London: Oxford University Press, с-ци 85–120.
Bhat, D.N. авт, 1978. A General Study of Palatalization. В J. Greenberg, ред Universals of Human Language. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, с-ци 47–92.
Bosilkov, K. авт, 1978. J. V. Jagić et l’élucidation de l’origine du langage de Cуrille et Méthode. Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика, 2(4), с-ци65–68.
Bautier, R.Henri авт, 1978. Les notaires et secrétaires du roi des origines au milieu du XVI siècle. В A. Lapeyre & Scheurer, R., ред-ри Les notaires et secrétaires du roi sous les règnes de Louis XI, Charles VIII et Louis XII: Notices personnelles et généalogies. Paris: Bibliothèque nationale.
Brownlee, K. авт, 1978. The Poetic Oeuvre of Guillaume de Machaut : The Identity of Discourse and the Discourse of ldentity. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 314, с-ци219–233.
Kolers, P.A. авт, 1979. Introduction. В P. A. Kolers, Wrolstad, M. E., & Bouma, H., ред-ри Processing Visible Language. Springer, с-ци 3–5.
O’Regan, K. авт, 1979. Moment to Moment Control of Eye Saccades as a Function of Textual Parameters in Reading. В P. A. Kolers, Wrolstad, M. E., & Bouma, H., ред-ри Processing Visible Language. Springer, с-ци 49–60.
Bourhis, R.Y. и съавт. авт-ри, 1979. Psycholinguistic distinctiveness : Language divergence in Belgium. В H. Giles & Clair, R. Saint, ред-ри Language and Social Psychology. Oxford: Blackwell, с-ци 158–185.
Bujukliev, I. авт, 1979. Sechzigjähriges Jubiläum Ivan Galabovs. Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика, 3(1), с-ци103–106.
Diplomatic Edition of the Text and Facsimile of the 42 Miniatures of a 15th-century Typological Life of Christ in the Pierpont Morgan Library, New York
Boba, I. авт, 1981. The Monastery of Sázava: Methodian Continuity North of the Danube?. Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика, 5(1), с-ци84–87.
Stevens, K.N. & Blumstein, S.E. авт-ри, 1981. The search for invariant acoustic correlates of phonetic features. В P. D. Eimas & Miller, J. L., ред-ри Perspectives on the study of speech. Hillsdale, {NJ}: Erlbaum.
Bajčeva, M. авт, 1982. Canon et nature du genre hagiographique au XIVe–XVe s. (Grégoire Camblak et Epiphanele Sage). Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика, 6(2), с-ци91–100.
Lunt, H.G. авт, 1982. "On Dating Old Church Slavonic Gospel Manuscripts". В A. A. Barentsen, Sprenger, R., & Tielemans, M. G. M., ред-ри South Slavic and Balkan Linguistics. Amsterdam: Rodopi, с-ци 215–231.
Benjamin, W. авт, 1982. Gesammelte Schriften R. Tiedemann & Schweppenhäuser, H., ред-ри, Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
Boyadjiev, J. авт, 1982. La proposition nominale assertive en bulgare, français et russe. Съпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics, 7(1–2), с-ци85–90.
Bechkova, R. авт, 1982. Quelques observations sur les verbes bulgares caractérisés par des préfixes et leurs équivalents analytiques en français. Съпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics, 7(1–2), с-ци79–85.
Bernard, R. авт, 1982. Un emprunt fait par le grec bizantin au vieux bulgare: λοσνίκιον „couverture de lit“. Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика, 6(3), с-ци98–102.
Brâncuş, G. авт, 1983. Vocabularul autohton al limbii române, Bucureşti: Editura ştiinţifică şi enciclopedică.
Boba, I. авт, 1984. „Abodriti qui vulgo Praedenecenti vocatur“ or „Marvani praedenecenti“?. Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика, 8(2), с-ци29–37.


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