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Bentz, E. & Raffler, M. авт-ри, 2010. National Museums in Austria. В P. Aronsson & Elgenius, G., ред-ри Building National Museums in Europe 1750–2010: Conference Proceedings from EuNaMus, European National Museums: Identity Politics, the Uses of the Past and the European Citizen, Bologna 28–30 April. . Linköping: Linköping University Electronic Press.
Lozic, V. авт, 2010. National Museums in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Slovenia: A Story of Making “Us”. В P. Aronsson & Elgenius, G., ред-ри Building National Museums in Europe 1750–2010: Conference Proceedings from EuNaMus, European National Museums: Identity Politics, the Uses of the Past and the European Citizen, Bologna 28–30 April. Linköping: Linköping University Electronic Press.
Porter, R. авт, 2001. “Nervousness, Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century Style: From Luxury to Labor”. В M. Gijswijt-Hofstra & Porter, R., ред-ри Cultures of Neurasthenia from Beard to the First World War. Amsterdam & New York: Rodopi, с-ци 31-50.
Hall, J.A. авт, 2010. Nonverbal behavior in social psychology research: The good, the bad, and the ugly. В C. R. Agnew и съавт., ред-ри Then A Miracle Occurs: Focusing on Behavior in Social Psychological Theory and Research,. New York: Oxford University Press, с-ци 412–437.
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Miles, R. & Tout, A. авт-ри, 1994. Outline of a Technology for Effective Science Exhibits. В E. Hooper-Greenhill, ред The Educational Role of the Museum. London, New York: Routledge.
Meservy, T.O. & Burgoon, J.K. авт-ри, 2008. Paralanguage. В W. Donsbach, ред The International Encyclopedia of Communication. Oxford: Blackwell, с-ци 3496–3501.
Helfrich, H. авт, 2004. Paralinguistic behaviors and culture. В C. D. Spielberger, ред Encyclopedia of Applied Psychology. New York: Elsevier, с-ци 797–813.
Crystal, D. авт, 1975. Paralinguistics. В J. Benthall & Polhemus, T., ред-ри The Body as a Medium of Expression. London: Institute of Contemporary Arts, с-ци 162–174.
Giles, H. & Gasiorek, J. авт-ри, 2013. Parameters of non-accommodation : Refining and elaborating communication accommodation theory. В J. F. Forgas, László, J., & Orsolya, V., ред-ри Social Cognition and Communication : 15th Sydney Symposium of Social Psychology, EASP Small Group Meeting on Social Cognition and Communication, 9 -12th July, 2012, Pecs, Hungary. New York: Psychology Press, с-ци 155–172.
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Deutsch, W. и съавт. авт-ри, 2001. Person in singletons, siblings, and twins. В M. Bowerman & Levinson, S. C., ред-ри Language acquisition and conceptual development. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, с-ци 284–315.
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Simmel, G. авт, 2001. Philosophie der Landschaft. В Georg Simmel Gesamtausgabe. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, с-ци 471–482.


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