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Libri Slavici

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Andersen, H. авт, 2003. Slavic and the Indo-European Migrations. В H. Andersen, ред Language Contacts in Prehistory. Studies in Stratigraphy. Amsterdam ; Philadelphia: John Benjamins, с-ци 45–76.
Matejič, M. авт, 1993. A Slavic Gospel in Los Angeles. Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика, 17(2), с-ци62–89.
Pavlikianov, C. авт, 2000. The Slavic Lingual in the Athonite Capital of Karyai (the Slavic Manuscripts of the Protaton Library). Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика, 24(1), с-ци77–111.
Pavlikianov, C. авт, 1999. The Slavic Lingual Presence in the Docheiariou Monastery. Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика, 23(4), с-ци41–58.
Lauersdorf, M.Richard авт, 2009. Slavic sociolinguistics in North America: lineage and leading edge. Journal of Slavic linguistics, (17), с-ци3–59.
Ivić, M. авт, 1990. On the Slavic word for one in the predicate-noun determiner position. Съпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics, 15(4–5), с-ци53–55.
Comrie, B. & Corbett, G. ред-ри, 1993. The Slavonic Languages, New York: Routledge.
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Grebenyova, L. авт, 2007. Sluicing in Slavic. Journal of Slavic linguistics, 15(1), с-ци49–80.
Homans, G. авт, 1974. Social Behaviour: Its Elementary Forms 2, revisednd изд, New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
Trudgill, P. авт, 1974. The Social Differentiation of English in Norwich, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Smith, J.R. & Hogg, M.A. авт-ри, 2008. Social identity and attitudes. В W. D. Crano R. Prislin, ред Attitudes and Attitude Change. New York: Psychology Press, с-ци 337–360.
Tajfel, H. авт, 1974. Social identity and intergroup behaviour. Social Science Information, 13, с-ци65– 93.
Pitts, M. & Giles, H. авт-ри, 2008. Social psychology and personal relationships: Accommodation and relational influence across time and contexts. В G. Antos, Ventola, E., & Weber, T., ред-ри Handbook of Applied Linguistics. New York: Mouton de Gruyter, с-ци 15–31.
Данчев, А. авт, 1985. Societas Linguistica Europaеa. Съпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics, 10(2), с-ци121–123.
Pratkanis, A.R. & Greenwald, A.G. авт-ри, 1989. A sociocognitive model of attitude structure and fuction. В L. Berkowit, ред Advances in Experimental Social Psychology. New York: Academic Press, с-ци 245–285.
Ammon, U. и съавт. ред-ри, 1987. Sociolinguistics: An International Handbook of the Science of Language and Society, Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.


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