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Libri Slavici

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Columbus, OH : Resource Center for Medieval Slavic Studies The Ohio State University in cooperation with the "Ivan Dujchev" Research Centre for Slavo-Byzantine Studies, Sofia University, Bulgaria
Mayrhofer, M. авт, 1992. Etymologisches Wörterbuch des Altindoarischen, Heidelberg: Carl Winter.
McNeill, D. авт, 1992. Hand and Mind, Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Babinger, F. авт, 1992. Mehmed the Conqueror and His Time W. Hickman, ред, Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Collins, C. & Mengieri, J.N. ред-ри, 1992. Teaching Thinking: An Agenda for the 21st Century, Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Marin, L. авт, 1993. Des pouvoirs de l'image. Gloses, Paris: Seuil.
Matejič, M. авт, 1993. A Slavic Gospel in Los Angeles. Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика, 17(2), с-ци62–89.
Mussakova, E. авт, 1994. Der kyrillische Palimpsest in Cod. Vat. gr. 2502 und sein Schmuck. Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика, 18(1), с-ци37–57.
Miles, R.S. & Tout, A.F. авт-ри, 1994. Impact of Research on the Approach to the Visiting Public at the Natural History Museum, London. В E. Hooper-Greenhill, ред The Educational Role of the Museum. London, New York: Routledge.
Malina, B. авт, 1994. John's Maverick Christian Group – The Evidence of Sociolinguistics. Biblical Theology Bulletin: A Journal of Bible and Theology, 24, с-ци167–182.
Silverstone, R. авт, 1994. The Medium is the museum: on Objects and Logics in Time and Space. В R. Miles, ред Towards the Museum of the Future. New European Perspectives. London: Routledge.
Miles, R. & Tout, A. авт-ри, 1994. Outline of a Technology for Effective Science Exhibits. В E. Hooper-Greenhill, ред The Educational Role of the Museum. London, New York: Routledge.
Mileva, R. авт, 1994. Phrasal Verbs in the Interlanguage of First Year English Philology Students. Съпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics, 19(3–4), с-ци31–37.
Macdonald, S. авт, 1996. Theorizing Museums: An Introduction. В S. Macdonald & Fyfe, G., ред-ри Theorizing Museums: Representing Identity and Diversity in a Changing World. Oxford: Blackwel.
Macdonald, S. авт, 1996. Theorizing Museums: An Introduction. В S. Macdonald & Fyfe, G., ред-ри Theorizing Museums: Representing Identity and Diversity in a Changing World. Oxford: Blackwel.
Meredith, K.S. & Steele, J.L. авт-ри, 1997. Learning for Understanding. В Z. Kollankova и съавт., ред-ри Critical Thinking. Bratislava: State Pedagogical Institute of Slovakia.
Meredith, K.S. & Steele, J.L. авт-ри, 1997. Learning for Understanding. В Z. Kollankova и съавт., ред-ри Critical Thinking. Bratislava: State Pedagogical Institute of Slovakia.
Moore, M. & Trahan, R. авт-ри, 1998. Evaluating an excerpt about gender: does sex of an author matter?. Psychological Reports, 82(1), с-ци247 – 253. Available at: [Отворен на 20.10.2014AD].
Athanasius, A. авт, 1998. Oratio II contra Arianos. В K. Metzler, Hansen, D., & Savvidis, K., ред-ри Werke. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.
Athanasius, A. авт, 1998. Orationes I contra Arianos. В K. Metzler, Hansen, D., & Savvidis, K., ред-ри Werke. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.
Mignard, P., Cavé, C. & Viallet, F. авт-ри, 1998. Production gestuelle lors de la parole spontanee dans la maladie de Parkinson. В S. Santi и съавт., ред-ри Oralité et gestualité: interactions et comportements multimodaux dans la communication. actes du colloque ORAGE 1998. L’Harmattan.


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