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Libri Slavici

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Macdonell, A.A. авт, 1910. Vedic Grammar, Strasburg: Karl J. Trübner. Available at: [Отворен на 18.05.2014AD].
Tabachnick, B.G. & Fidell, L.S. авт-ри, 2007. Using Multivariate Statistics 7th изд, Boston ; Montreal: Pearson/A & B.
Smith, L. авт, 2006. Uses of Heritage, London: Routledge.
Skeat, T.C. авт, 1956. The Use of Dication in Ancient Book Production, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Rashdall, H. авт, 1936. The Universities of Europe in the Middle Ages F. M. Powicke & Emden, A. B., ред-ри, London: Oxford University Press.
Emonds, J.E. авт, 1985. A unified theory of syntactic categories, Dordrecht/Cinnaminson: Foris Publications.
Vazoff, I. авт, 1912. Under the Yoke 2nd изд, London: William Heinemann. Available at: [Отворен на 2.04.2015AD].
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Turner, E.G. авт, 1977. Typology of the Early Codex, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
Reinach, S. авт, 1886. Traité d’épigraphie grecque, Paris: Е. Leroux.
précédé d'un essai sur les inscriptions grecques par C.T. Newton ... traduit avec l'autorisation de l'auteur, augmenté de notes et de textes épigraphiques choisis.
Gruchała, J. авт, 1996. Tomasz G. Masaryk, Wrocław: Ossolineum.
Bayet, J. & Baillet, G. ред-ри, 1954. Tite-Live. Histoire romaine, Paris: Les Belles-Lettres.
Nowotny, H. авт, 1994. Time. The Modern and Postmodern Experience, Cambridge: Polity Press.
Fabian, J. авт, 1983. Time and the Other: How Anthropology Makes Its Object, 1980: Институт за изследване на изкуствата.
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Lehmann, W.P. авт, 1993. Theoretical bases of Indo-European linguistics 1st изд, London ; New York: Routledge.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 298-315) and index


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