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Originally Published in Saints' Lives in Middle English Collections. Kalamazoo, Michigan: Medieval Institute Publications, 2004
Статия в списание
Wortley, john авт, 2008. What the Desert Fathers meant by “being saved”. Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum, 12(2), с-ци286-307.
Wilmer, S.E. авт, 2008. Performing Statelessness. Amfiteater, 1(2), с52−68.
Wilderink, V. авт, 1964. Les Exhortations de la bienheureuse Françoise d'Amboise. Carmelus, 9, с-ци221–266.
Waddington, R.B. авт, 1970. The Iconography of Silence and Chapman's Hercules. Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 33, с-ци248–263.
Wortley, john авт, 2006. How the Desert Fathers “Meditated”. Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies, 46, с-ци315–328. Available at: [Отворен на 28.03.2015AD].
Witkoś, J. авт, 2008. Genitive of Negation in Polish and Single-Cycle Derivations. Journal of Slavic linguistics, (16), с-ци247–288.
Глава от книга
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Talbot, C.H. авт, 1958. The Universities and the Mediaeval Library. В F. Wormald & Wright, C. E., ред-ри The English Library before 1700 : Studies in Its History. London: University of London, Athlone Press, с-ци 66–86.
Roberts, A. авт, 2011. Teaching the scientific romance. В A. Sawyer & Wright, P., ред-ри Teaching Science Fiction. London; New York; Shanghai: Palgrave MacMillan, с-ци 72 – 86.
Pitts, M. & Giles, H. авт-ри, 2008. Social psychology and personal relationships: Accommodation and relational influence across time and contexts. В G. Antos, Ventola, E., & Weber, T., ред-ри Handbook of Applied Linguistics. New York: Mouton de Gruyter, с-ци 15–31.
Thomson, R.M. авт, 1978. The Scriptorium of William of Malmsbury. В M. B. Parkes & Watson, A. G., ред-ри Medieval Scribes, Manuscripts and Libraries : Essays Presented to N. R. Ker. London: Scolar Press, с-ци 117–142.
Brabant, M., Watson, B. & Gallois, C. авт-ри, 2007. Psychological perspectives : Social psychology, language, and intercultural communication. В H. Kotthoff & Spencer-Oatey, H., ред-ри Handbook of Intercultural Communication. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter., с-ци 55–75.
Winther, O. авт, 2013. Preface. В I. B. Lundgaard & Jensen, J. Thorek, ред-ри Museums. Social learning spaces and knowledge producing processes. Styrelsen: Kultur Styrelsen Danish Agency for culture.
Warchala, J. & Skudrzyk, A. авт-ри, 2007. Potoczność – kategoria rozmyta?, w : Potoczność a zachowania językowe Polaków, Lublin 2007. В Potoczność a zachowania językowe Polaków. Lublin: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej, с-ци 21–32.
Pokłosie międzynarodowej konferencji językoznawczej, zorganizowanej przez Zakład Tekstologii i Gramatyki Współczesnego Języka Polskiego oraz Zakład Logopedii i Językoznawstwa Stosowanego Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej, która odbyła się w dniach 15-16 września 2003 roku w Kolegium UMCS w Biłgoraju.
H. Melchert, C. авт, 1985. PIE velars in Luvian. В C. Watkins, ред Studies in Memory of Warren Cowgill (1929-1985). Papers from the Fourth East Coast Indo-European Conference Cornell University, June 6-9, 1985. с-ци 182–204. Available at: [Отворен на 2013-12-26].
Deutsch, W. и съавт. авт-ри, 2001. Person in singletons, siblings, and twins. В M. Bowerman & Levinson, S. C., ред-ри Language acquisition and conceptual development. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, с-ци 284–315.
Werner, E. авт, 1966. Mündliche und schriftliche Tradition im Mittelmeerraum. В Bericht über den neunten internationalen musikwissenschaftlichen Kongress Salzburg. Kessel: Bärenreiter Verlag, с-ци 124–128.
O’Regan, K. авт, 1979. Moment to Moment Control of Eye Saccades as a Function of Textual Parameters in Reading. В P. A. Kolers, Wrolstad, M. E., & Bouma, H., ред-ри Processing Visible Language. Springer, с-ци 49–60.
Krosnick, J.A. и съавт. авт-ри, 2005. The measurement of attitudes. В D. Albarracin, Johnson, B. T., & Zanna, M. P., ред-ри The Handbook of Attitudes. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, с-ци 21–76.
Wilmart, A. авт, 1938. L’odyssée du manuscrit de San Pietro qui renferme les oeuvres de Saint-Hilaire. В L. Webber Jones, ред Classical and Medieval Studies in Honour of Edward Kennard Rand: Presented upon the completion of his 40th year of teaching. New York: Leslie Webber Jones, с-ци 293–305.


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