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Libri Slavici

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Slavkov, N. авт, 2008. Formal Consequences of Dative Clitic Doubling in Bulgarian Ditransitives: An Applicative Analysis. Journal of Slavic linguistics, 16(1), с-ци139–166.
Sharenkova, R. авт, 2010. Forget-Me(-Not): Visitors and Museum Presentations about Communism before 1989. В C. Dobos & Stan, M., ред-ри Politics of Memory in Post-Communist Europe. Bucharest: Zeta Books.
Clark, A.C. авт, 1909. Fontes Prosae numerosae, Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Lightbown, P.M. & Spada, N. авт-ри, 1990. Focus-on-Form and corrective feedback in communicative language teaching. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 12(4), с-ци429-444.
Kristoforidhi, K. авт, 1961. Fjalor shqip-greqisht, Tiranë: Instituti i Historisë e i Filologjisë.
Brown, R. авт, 1973. A First Language: The Early Stages, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.
Almalech, M. & Benatov, P. авт-ри, 1997. First language Attrition by Speakers of Bulgarian in Israel. Съпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics, 22(3), с-ци55–59.
Voutova, N. авт, 1992. Filigranological Study of the Paper of the Earliest Greek Manuscripts Preserved at the Bulgarian National Library (14th c.). Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика, 16(4), с-ци54–72.
Genette, G. авт, 1972. Figures III, Paris: Seuil.
Bradbury, R. авт, 1953. Fahrenheit 451, New York: Ballantine Books.
Ekman, P. авт, 1993. Facial Expression and Emotion. American Psichologist, 48, с-ци384–392.
Rayner, K. авт, 1979. Eye Movements in Reading : Eye Guidance and Integration. Processing Visible Language, 13, с-ци61–75.
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Rubach, J. авт, 1997. Extrasyllabic consonants in Polish: Derivational Optimality Theory. В I. Roca, ред Derivations and Constraints in Phonology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, с-ци 551–582.
Paris, G. & Jeanroy, A. авт-ри, 1912. Extraits des chroniqueurs français 8th изд, Paris: V. Palmè.
Darwin, C.R. авт, 1998. The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals 3rd изд P. Ekman, ред, New York: Oxford University Press.
Lindblom, B. авт, 1990. Explaining phonetic variation: A sketch of the H&H Theory. В W. J. Hardcastle & Marchal, A., ред-ри Speech Production and Speech Modeling. Amsterdam: Kluwer, с-ци 403–439.
Padgett, J. & Zygis, M. авт-ри, 2007. The Evolution of Sibilants in Polish and Russian. Journal of Slavic linguistics, 15(2), с-ци291–324.
Schenker, A.M. авт, 2006. Evgenys reverie in English : an addendum to Sir Charles Johnstons translation of Pushkins The Bronze Horseman. International journal of Slavic linguistics and poetics, (44–45), с-ци343–345.
5 references
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Díl II: Úvod , text v přepise cyrilském, poznámky textové, seznamy čtení
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Moore, M. & Trahan, R. авт-ри, 1998. Evaluating an excerpt about gender: does sex of an author matter?. Psychological Reports, 82(1), с-ци247 – 253. Available at: [Отворен на 20.10.2014AD].


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