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Fontaine, J. авт, 1982. A propos de la notion d’aoriste. Съпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics, 7(1–2), с-ци36–43.
Делева, А. & Степанов, Ц. авт-ри, 1998. Protobulgarica (Varia). Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика, 22(4), с-ци89–100.
Lehmann, W.P. авт, 1952. Proto-Indo-European Phonology, Austin, TX: University of Texas Press. Available at: [Отворен на 2013-12-26].
Camuglia, M. авт, 1996. The Psalter, its tradition and computer: a new method of textual analysis. Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика, 20(1), с-ци3–13.
Altbauer, M. авт, 1971. Psalterium Sinaiticum. An 11th Century Glagolitic Manuscript from St. Catherine’s Monastery, Mt. Sinai, Skopje: Македонска академија на науките и уметностите.
Introduction in English. Text is a photographic reproduction of the original manuscript. Added t.p. in Macedonian. Includes bibliographical references.
Bourhis, R.Y. и съавт. авт-ри, 1979. Psycholinguistic distinctiveness : Language divergence in Belgium. В H. Giles & Clair, R. Saint, ред-ри Language and Social Psychology. Oxford: Blackwell, с-ци 158–185.
Thakerar, J., Giles, H. & Cheshire, J. авт-ри, 1982. Psychological and linguistic parameters of speech accommodation theory. В C. Fraser & Scherer, K. R., ред-ри Advances in the Social Psychology of Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, с-ци 205–255.
Brabant, M., Watson, B. & Gallois, C. авт-ри, 2007. Psychological perspectives : Social psychology, language, and intercultural communication. В H. Kotthoff & Spencer-Oatey, H., ред-ри Handbook of Intercultural Communication. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter., с-ци 55–75.
Giarratano, C. ред, 1967. Q. Asconii Pediani Commentarii 2nd изд, Amsterdam: Adolf M. Hakkert.
Kantorowicz, H. авт, 1939. The Quaestiones disputatae of the Glossators. Revue d'histoire du droit, 16, с-ци32–51.
Grunzweig, A. авт, 1925. Quatre lettres autographes de Philippe le Bon. Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire, 4, с-ци431–437. Available at: [Отворен на 03.04.2015AD].
Abicht, R. авт, 1894. Quellennachweise zum Codex Suprasliensis. Archiv für slavische Philologie, 16, с-ци140–153.
Abicht, R. & Reichelt, C. авт-ри, 1898. Quellennachweise zum Codex Suprasliensis. Archiv für slavische Philologie, 20, с-ци181–200.
Abicht, R. авт, 1893. Quellennachweise zum Codex Suprasliensis. Archiv für slavische Philologie, 15, с-ци321–337.
Abicht, R. & Schmidt, H. авт-ри, 1896. Quellennachweise zum Codex Suprasliensis. III. Archiv für slavische Philologie, 18, с-ци138–155.
Nikolov, B. авт, 1990. Quelques différences typiques entre le système phonétique du français et du bulgare. Съпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics, 15(4–5), с-ци72–76.
Velinova, M. авт, 1989. Quelques notes sur les déterminants nominaux един et un en bulgare et en roumain. Съпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics, 14(6), с-ци25–29.
Bechkova, R. авт, 1982. Quelques observations sur les verbes bulgares caractérisés par des préfixes et leurs équivalents analytiques en français. Съпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics, 7(1–2), с-ци79–85.
Simeonov, Y. авт, 1982. Quelques problèmes de la grammaire contrastive dans l’optique du rapport représentation/expression. Съпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics, 7(1–2), с-ци135–144.
Angelov, D. авт, 1977. Questions idéologiques en Bulgarie médiévale (Ivan Rilski et son „Testament“). Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика, 1(2), с-ци25–32.
Ong, W.J. авт, 1958. Ramus, Method, and the Decay of Dialogue, Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press.
Iser, W. авт, 2000. The Range of Interpretation, New York: Columbia University Press.


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