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Nikolov, T. & Petrova, K. авт-ри, 2001. A Core of Bulgarian WordNet for Nouns. Humans and Computer. Verbal communication and interaction via computer. В T. Slama-Cazacu, ред 9-th International conference of GRLA-RWCAL, Bacau-Tescani, Romania, 26-29 April 2001. Constanţa: Europolis, с-ци 279–296.
Malić, D. авт, 2008. Croatian Medieval texts in Latin script. В I. Supičić & Hercigonja, E., ред-ри Croatia and Europe. London ; Zagreb ; New York: Philip Wilson ; Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts ; Školska knjiga ; Palgrave Macmillan, с-ци 301-322.
Tkaczewski, D. авт, 2012. Czeski dorobek encyklopedyczny – Ottův slovník naučný jako uniwersalna encyklopedia narodowa. В K. Jarząbek, Ruttar, A., & Sojda, S., ред-ри Spotkania międzykulturowe. Językoznawstwo. Glottodydaktyka. Katowice: UŚ ; Gnome, с-ци 200-216.
Lunt, H.G. авт, 1982. "On Dating Old Church Slavonic Gospel Manuscripts". В A. A. Barentsen, Sprenger, R., & Tielemans, M. G. M., ред-ри South Slavic and Balkan Linguistics. Amsterdam: Rodopi, с-ци 215–231.
Kristeller, P.Oskar авт, 1960. Der Gelehrte und sein Publikum im späten Mittelalter und in der Renaissance. В H. Robert Jauss & Schaller, D., ред-ри Medium aevum vivum: Festschrift für Walther Bulst. Heidelberg: Carl Winter, с-ци 212–230.
Avgustinova, T. авт, 2001. Distinguishing Argument Structure, Syntactic Dependents and Valence in HPSG: Relevance for Slavic. В G. Zybatow и съавт., ред-ри Current Issues in Formal Slavic Linguistics. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, с-ци 554–567. Available at: tania/ta-pub/ta-hpsg-fdsl3.pdf.
Sadnik, L. авт, 1963. Eine Zweite Südslavische Übersetzung des Johannes Damascenus. В M. Braun & Koschmieder, E., ред-ри Slawistische Studien zum V. Internationalen Slawistenkongress in Sofia 1963. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht , с-ци 281–284.
Apor, P. авт, 2010. Eurocommunism: Commemorating Communism in Contemporary Eastern Europe. В B. Stråth & Pakier, M., ред-ри A European Memory? Contested Histories and Politics of Remembrance. Oxford: Berghahn Books.
Sharenkova, R. авт, 2010. Forget-Me(-Not): Visitors and Museum Presentations about Communism before 1989. В C. Dobos & Stan, M., ред-ри Politics of Memory in Post-Communist Europe. Bucharest: Zeta Books.
Sharenkova, R. авт, 2010. Forget-Me(-Not): Visitors and Museum Presentations about Communism before 1989. В C. Dobos & Stan, M., ред-ри Politics of Memory in Post-Communist Europe. Bucharest: Zeta Books.
Scherer, K.R. авт, 1980. The functions of nonverbal signs in conversation. В R. Saint Clair & Giles, H., ред-ри The Social and Psychological Contexts of Language. Hillsdale. NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, с-ци 225–244.
Semin, G.R. авт, 2007. Grounding communication: Synchrony. В A. W. Kruglanski & E. Higgins, T., ред-ри Social Psychology: Handbook of Basic Principles. New York / London: Guilford Press, с-ци 630–649.
Sonenhauser, B. авт, 2006. Intraterminal Aspekt. В В. Стефанов, Тишева, Й., & Божанкова, Р., ред-ри Политики на различието, езици на близостта. София: Университетско издателство "Св. Климент Охридски", с-ци 371-383.
Páclová, I. авт, 1971. K otázce lexikálních grécismů v staroslověnských památkách s latinskou předlohou. В M. Bauerová & Štěrbová, M., ред-ри Studia palaeoslovenica. Sborník studií věnovaných k sedmdesátinám univ. prof. Dr. Josefa Kurze. Praha: Academia, с-ци 277–284.
Marichal, R. авт, 1961. La critique des textes. В C. Samaran, ред L’histoire et ses méthodes. Paris: Gallimard, с-ци 1276–1366.
Meredith, K.S. & Steele, J.L. авт-ри, 1997. Learning for Understanding. В Z. Kollankova и съавт., ред-ри Critical Thinking. Bratislava: State Pedagogical Institute of Slovakia.
Meredith, K.S. & Steele, J.L. авт-ри, 1997. Learning for Understanding. В Z. Kollankova и съавт., ред-ри Critical Thinking. Bratislava: State Pedagogical Institute of Slovakia.
Bautier, R.Henri авт, 1978. Les notaires et secrétaires du roi des origines au milieu du XVI siècle. В A. Lapeyre & Scheurer, R., ред-ри Les notaires et secrétaires du roi sous les règnes de Louis XI, Charles VIII et Louis XII: Notices personnelles et généalogies. Paris: Bibliothèque nationale.
Sels, L. авт, 2006. Lexical diversification versus terminological standardization. John the Exarch's Bogoslovie and Šestodnev and parallel 14th-century South Slavonic translations. В Л. Тасева и съавт., ред-ри Многократните преводи в Южнославянското средновековие. София: Горекс Прес, с-ци 301–308.
Andreeva, B., Avgustinova, T. & Barry, W.J. авт-ри, 2001. Link-associated and focus-associated accent patterns in Bulgarian. В G. Zybatow и съавт., ред-ри Current Issues in Formal Slavic Linguistics. Peter Lang, с-ци 353–364.
H. Melchert, C. авт, 2012. Luvo-Lycian Stops Revisited. В R. Sukač & Šefčík, O., ред-ри The Sound of Indo-European. München: Lincom, с-ци 206–218. Available at: [Отворен на 2013-12-26].
H. Melchert, C. авт, 2012. Luvo-Lycian Stops Revisited. В R. Sukač & Šefčík, O., ред-ри The Sound of Indo-European. München: Lincom, с-ци 206–218. Available at: [Отворен на 2013-12-26].
Silverstone, R. авт, 1994. The Medium is the museum: on Objects and Logics in Time and Space. В R. Miles, ред Towards the Museum of the Future. New European Perspectives. London: Routledge.
Szabó, L. авт, 2009. Narrating “the People” and “Disciplining” the Folk: The Constitution of the Hungarian Ethnographic Discipline and the Touristic Movements (1870-1900). В D. Mishkova, ред We, the People: Politics of National Peculiarity in Southeastern Europ. Budapest & New York: CEU Press.
Prince, G. авт, 1980. Notes on the Text as Reader. В S. Suleiman & Crosman, I., ред-ри The Reader in the Text: Essays on Audience and Interpretation. Princeton, Guildford: Princeton University Press, с-ци 225 – 240.


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