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Titlesort descending Last update
Methods of Reference in Cassiodorus 06.04.2015
Mey, J. L. Pragmatics: an introduction. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers Ltd., 2001. 19.10.2014
Mihail Bahtin in OBERIU / ОБЭРИУ (Psihotipologija nekega obdobja) 13.12.2011
Mimicry: Fact and fiction 08.07.2014
Mind, Heart and Soul: Towards Better Learning in Heritage Parks 03.04.2017
Minoritetet gjuhësore në Kosovë 12.01.2017
Miscellanies 29.11.2013
mladenova_editorial 18.11.2012
Modality and Hamlet 02.02.2017
Modern Educational Measurement 16.10.2013
Modern Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assesment. A Common European Framework of Reference 16.10.2013
Modernity and Self-Identity : Self and Society in the Late Modern Age 02.04.2015
Modifierad Standard - Ortografi (MSO) Version 6 18.10.2014
Moment to Moment Control of Eye Saccades as a Function of Textual Parameters in Reading 14.04.2015
Monde du texte et monde du lecteur 08.02.2017
Monographs 08.01.2014
More on Narrative 02.02.2017
Mostra della Rivoluzione Fascista 26.02.2017
Multi-level Annotations of Nonverbal Behaviors in French Spontaneous Conversations 18.10.2014
Multimedia Corpora (Media encoding and annotation) 18.10.2014
Mündliche und schriftliche Tradition im Mittelmeerraum 14.04.2015
Munimenta academica, or Documents illustrative of academical Life and Studies at Oxford 05.04.2015
Museums and Memory 08.03.2017
Museums and the Making of Ourselves: The Role of Objects in National Identity 13.03.2017
Museums Visitor Evaluation: New Tool for Management 03.04.2017
Mедиевистът в зряла възраст – Красимир Станчев на 60 години 08.01.2014
