Title | За една функция на веществено-събирателните съществителни singularia tantum (с оглед на превода им от български на руски език) |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 1983 |
Authors | Енчева, Н |
Journal | Съпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics |
Volume | 8 |
Issue | 5 |
Pagination | 36–40 |
Publication Language | bul |
Abstract | The paper discusses the lexical meaning of singularity observed in object, collective, singularia tantum nouns and grammatically expressed by their number forms. This linguistic phenomenon is discussed on a contrastive basis, having in mind the aspects of translation from Bulgarian into Russian. Being functionally derived or secondary, the plural forms receive a meaning of ‘singularity’. This meaning is usually accompanied by numerals or pronouns. The meaning of ‘singularity’ of the plural forms is activized mainly in the register of specialized language but it often pervades everyday speech as well. It is in that kind of speech where the most essential and substantial differences between Bulgarian and Russian can be observed. |
Citation Key | Енчева1983 |