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За определяне на генетичната, типологичната и ареалната близост на славянските езици (в частност

TitleЗа определяне на генетичната, типологичната и ареалната близост на славянските езици (в частност
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1980
AuthorsЦихун, Г
JournalСъпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics
Publication Languagebul

The genetic, typological and areal studies of the Slavic languages aim at establishing the degree of their relationship in terms of their relatedness, similarity and territorial proximity. There is no strictly defined correlation between these characteristics in the modern Slavic languages, though such a correlation must have existed in the Proto-Slavonic period. The relative autonomy of the formal, structural and areal characteristics of the modern Slavic languages justifies the reconstruction of the old genetic, typological and areal relationships, the major task being the establishment of the Proto-Slavonic areal structure of the centre/periphery type. With respect to the ancient Byelorussian-Bulgarian ties which have been studied so far mainly in terms of vocabulary and word-formation, the present study is devoted to some specific structural similarities between the ancient Byelorussian and Bulgarian dialects of the Polessie region (the use of the positive instead of the comparative in comparisons, the use of constructions with the preposition на to express the indirect object, etc.)

Citation KeyЦихун1980
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