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За някои сандхиални явления, мотивирани от структурата на фонетичната дума в руския и българския език

TitleЗа някои сандхиални явления, мотивирани от структурата на фонетичната дума в руския и българския език
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1986
AuthorsСтоева, Т
JournalСъпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics
Publication Languagebul

The paper discusses several adverbs and adverbial phrases in Bulgarian in contrast with their translation equivalents in German. Plenty of material is used to illustrate the observed syntagmatic variability and, accordingly, the great diversity of lexical means used to render the variants from one language into the other. One of the objectives of the study, which examines the Adverb in Bulgarian and German on a contrastive basis, is to find out the most suitable form for adverb entries in the bilingual Bulgarian-German dictionary.

Citation KeyСтоева1986
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