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За опозицията моноцентричност/бицентричност в английско-българските междуезикови трансформации to be → имам и to have → съм

TitleЗа опозицията моноцентричност/бицентричност в английско-българските междуезикови трансформации to be → имам и to have → съм
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1988
AuthorsСтамболиева, М
JournalСъпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics
Publication Languagebul

The article attempts to establish the semantic features of the verbs to be and съм, connected with monocentric predication, as well as of the bicentric verbs to have and имам. Some conditions are pointed out in which parallelism between these two types of verbs is possible. Two basic types of interlingual transformations are discussed: (1) to have → съм and to be → имам, accompanied by structural asymmetry of the predicative phrase, and (2) to have → съм and to be → имам, accompanied by asymmetry in the prepositional phrase. Some typical differences in the themo-rhematic organization of the analysed English and Bulgarian sentences are also pointed out.

Citation KeyСтамболиева1988
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