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Семантично-функционална характеристика на глагола имам ‘habere’ (върху материал от българския и чешкия език)

TitleСемантично-функционална характеристика на глагола имам ‘habere’ (върху материал от българския и чешкия език)
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1988
AuthorsНачева, М
JournalСъпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics
Publication Languagebul

This article analyses the wide range of meanings of the verb имам (resp. mít) in Bulgarian and Czech. The study is based on the polyfunctional character of this verb and offers an attempt at constructing a complex model of its complicated semantic functional structure. The basic pos80 sessive and existential types of meanings, the potentialities of desemantization of the grammatical meanings, the function of the verb substitute as well as its role in the phraseological system of the language are discussed. The contrastive analysis shows the existence of an original hierarchy in the predominant part of the various meanings in which qualifying is in the role of semantic-logical supercategory.

Citation KeyНачева1988
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