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Съществителни със значение на лице във функцията на допълнение в старобългарския и старобелоруския език.

TitleСъществителни със значение на лице във функцията на допълнение в старобългарския и старобелоруския език.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1979
AuthorsМуталимова, М
JournalСъпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics
Publication Languagebul

The special uses of nouns denoting persons in the function of object in verbal combinations and excerpted from written records of Old Bulgarian and Old Byelorussian literature are considered. The comparison of the written records of the two languages shows that the nouns denoting persons in the function of objects exhibit not only common meanings and structural characteristics but considerable differences as well. In general the differences do not refer to the universal model of v + n in the accusative and dative cases. That type of construction is common to both Old Bulgarian and Old Byelorussian written records. The incorporation of new elements in the word combinations results in both structural and semantic changes. Besides the construction with transitive verbs and nouns in the accusative, the author also considers the so-called double accusative and dative; these double cases in the Old Byelorussian records have been ousted by other syntactic structures: the predicative instrumental and subordinate attributive clauses.

Citation KeyМуталимова1979
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