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Семантично-синтактична характеристика на френските подчинени темпорални изречения с футурална съотнесеност

TitleСемантично-синтактична характеристика на френските подчинени темпорални изречения с футурална съотнесеност
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1989
AuthorsМихов, Н
JournalСъпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics
Publication Languagebul

On the basis of the independent binary opposition between subordinate tensed clauses with a semantic-morphological future reference, in which the meaning of futurity is expressed by future tenses, on the one hand, and the subordinate tensed clauses with only a semantic future reference conveyed by present tense verb forms, on the other hand, an analysis is made of the basic meanings of the most typical subordinating conjunctions (quand, lorsque, tant que, pendant que) and mostly of the alternation of verb tenses and moods on a comparative basis with Bulgarian. The great variety of forms in French is shown in contrast to their low variability in Bulgarian subordinate tense predicate units.

Citation KeyМихов1989
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