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Основни принципи на типологията на превода

TitleОсновни принципи на типологията на превода
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1979
AuthorsЛилова, А
JournalСъпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics
Publication Languagebul

The scientific typology of translation cannot be based on a single principle but on an integrated set of principles which reflect the main determining qualitative characteristics of the different types of translation. In this connection, the following problems are treated: the necessity of solving the problem of typologization in translation; its varieties as the object of study within the framework of the general and specialized theories of translation; the basic principles of a scientific work differ not only in their form, but in their content as well; this accounts for the genetic, the structural and content principle, the psychological, the linguistic principles, etc. Translation as a specific social, cultural and creative activity, its comprehensive system and typologization necessitate the elucidation of a number of key problems of translatology, such as the creative aspect of translation. In the author’s view, „the creative aspect of translation“ should be understood as: 1) creative activity on the level of language (referring to all genres), and 2) creative activity related to artistic and imaginative thinking and recreation. A work of art and a scientific work differ not only in their form, but in their content as well; this accounts for the various ways of their creation and rendition.

Citation KeyЛилова1979
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