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О происхождении православного славянского слоя в венгерской христианской терминологии

TitleО происхождении православного славянского слоя в венгерской христианской терминологии
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1986
AuthorsЗолтан, А
JournalСъпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics
Publication Languagerus

The author substantiates the assumption that the penetration in the language of those archaic elements of the Hungarian Christian terminology which could only have been borrowed from the tongue of the Orthodox Slavs can be dated as far back as the Byzantine mission to the Magyars in the mid-l0th century. The Greek missionaries are believed to have used Old Bulgarian to communicate with the Magyars, who had been in contact with Slavs since their settlement in the region of the Carpathian basin. A view to this effect has already been voiced in Hungarian historical publications and seems quite plausible within the framework of all the cultural and historical circumstances. However, it obviously requires further, purely linguistic, evidence

Citation KeyЗолтан1986
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