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Някои начини на действие при украинския глагол в съпоставка с българския

TitleНякои начини на действие при украинския глагол в съпоставка с българския
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1987
AuthorsДеянова, М
JournalСъпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics
Publication Languagebul

This is a contrastive study of the distributive and attenuative Aktionsart (mode of action), based on data from Modern Ukrainian and Bulgarian. The following issues are considered: productivity of the Aktionsart (approximate number of lexemes); formal diversity of the exponents (number and relative productivity of the respective word-formative markers in the two languages); distribution of each formal marker, i. e. characterization of the source verbs in terms of lexical semantics, Aktionsart, aspect, in/transitivity; possibility for the formal marker (prefix) to occur as a second to the root affix; stylistic colouring of the derivative verbs; relationship between each Aktionsart and the perfective/imperfective opposition and hence, the position of the respective Aktionsart in the aspectual system of the language.

Citation KeyДеянова1987
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