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Подчинени обстоятелствени изречения със съюза дa/da в българския и словенския книжовен език

TitleПодчинени обстоятелствени изречения със съюза дa/da в българския и словенския книжовен език
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1981
AuthorsДеянова, М
JournalСъпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics
Publication Languagebul

The contrastive analysis of adverbial clauses introduced with the conjunction да reveals the national characteristics of each language belonging to an old common South-Slavonic area – subordination through да. The similarities between Bulgarian and Slovene in that respect con38 cern, above all, the sphere of application of the да conjunction in substance: it introduces almost identical types of subordinate adverbial clauses with the exception of clauses of time, degree and manner (possible only in Slovene). However, the two languages exhibit more or less considerable differences in the inner structure of complex sentences with subordinate adverbial clauses, which differences also concern the functioning of the temporal and modal forms, the role of the correlative indicative elements in the main clause and the stylistic characteristics of some types of subordinate clauses.

Citation KeyДеянова1981
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