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Неправилна употреба на деепричастни конструкции в българския и полския език

TitleНеправилна употреба на деепричастни конструкции в българския и полския език
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1988
AuthorsВълчкова, Н
JournalСъпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics
Publication Languagebul

This article attempts to systematize the most common errors in the use of adverbial participle constructions in Bulgarian as compared to Polish. It establishes the conditions in which the principles of identity of subjects or concurrence of the action expressed by the adverbial participle and the verb in the sentence are violated. It is claimed that the reasons for violating these principles are similar in both languages although there are some differences. The norms of the Polish language allow the use of adverbial participle constructions also in some types of impersonal sentences. In Bulgarian, the adverbial participle can sometimes express a transitive action while in Polish such use is impossible and is a violation of the morphological system.

Citation KeyВълчкова1988
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