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Монголски езикови следи в родопската топонимия.

TitleМонголски езикови следи в родопската топонимия.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1985
AuthorsБалкански, Т
JournalСъпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics
Publication Languagebul

Some problems concerning the traces of Mongolian in the toponymic system and in ethnonymy of the Northern parts of the Rhodope Mountains are discussed in the paper. Plenty of contrastive toponymic material relating to the Mongolian languages has been collected from the areas of the Soviet Republics in Central Asia and from Mongolia to prove the etymology of some local toponyms in the Rhodope region, like Semèr ulà, Bèlja, and Hajrerob, as well as the origin of the ethnonym kalmùk. The toponyms must have been introduced to the Bulgarian speech community within the period ranging from 1380 to 1750 by shepherds of Turkic origin who had started for the Balkan Peninsula from the areas in Central Asia, where the names under discussion occur quite frequently and are derived from Mongolian geographical terms. Another point the paper attempts to put across is that it was not only the Proto-Bulgarians who brought all the traces of Mongolian culture to the Balkan Peninsula, as some scholars in this country seem to imply.

Citation KeyБалкански1985
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