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Libri Slavici

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Алексова, В., 2002. Термини за ‘встъпвам в брак’ в българския и румънския език. Съпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics, 27(3), pp.16–58.
Попов, Д., 2002. Типология на схващанията за стила. Българска реч, 8(3), pp.32–39.
Автореферат на дисертацията.
Pavlikianov, C., 2001. The Athonite Monastery of Karakallou – Slavic Presense and Slavic Manuscripts. Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика, 25(1), pp.21–45.
Grinberg, B., 2001. Bulgarski Knizhitsi and the first translation of Uncle Tom's Cabin. Essays in American Studies. Cross-cultural Perspectives, pp.33–56.
Padgett, J., 2001. Contrast dispersion and Russian palatalization. In E. Hume & Johnson, K., eds. The role of speech perception in phonology. San Diego: Academic Press, pp. 187–218.
Nikolov, T. & Petrova, K., 2001. A Core of Bulgarian WordNet for Nouns. Humans and Computer. Verbal communication and interaction via computer. In T. Slama-Cazacu, ed. 9-th International conference of GRLA-RWCAL, Bacau-Tescani, Romania, 26-29 April 2001. Constanţa: Europolis, pp. 279–296.
Ciorănescu, A., 2001. Dicționarul etimologic al limbii române 2nd ed., Bucureşti: Universidad de La Laguna.
Avgustinova, T., 2001. Distinguishing Argument Structure, Syntactic Dependents and Valence in HPSG: Relevance for Slavic. In G. Zybatow et al., eds. Current Issues in Formal Slavic Linguistics. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, pp. 554–567. Available at: tania/ta-pub/ta-hpsg-fdsl3.pdf.
Barlieva, S., 2001. Eine Handschrift des Byzantinischen Rechts aus der Sammlung des staatlichen Historischen Museums in Moskau (GIM, In К. Косев, ed. В памет на Петър Динеков. Традиция.Приемственост. Новаторство. София: Академично издателство "Проф. Марин Дринов", pp. 94-99.
Roelke, V., 2001. Electrified Nerves, Degenerated Bodies: Medical Discourses on Neurasthenia in Germany, circa 1880-1914. In M. Gijswijt-Hofstra & Porter, R., eds. Cultures of Neurasthenia from Beard to the First World War . Amsterdam & New York: Rodopi, pp. 177-198.
Дограмаджиева, Е., 2001. In memoriam – Раля Михайловна Цейтлин. Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика, 25, pp.3–4.
Rix, H. & Kümmel, M. eds., 2001. Lexikon der indogermanischen Verben : die Wurzeln und ihre Primärstammbildungen 2., erw. und verb. Aufl.nd ed., Wiesbaden: Ludwig Reichert.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 45-63) and indexes.
Andreeva, B., Avgustinova, T. & Barry, W.J., 2001. Link-associated and focus-associated accent patterns in Bulgarian. In G. Zybatow et al., eds. Current Issues in Formal Slavic Linguistics. Peter Lang, pp. 353–364.


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