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Titlesort descending Last update
Clavis Patrum Graecorum 07.06.2014
Clement of Alexandria, Miscelanies (Stromata) 02.01.2014
Clitic placement, prosody, and the Bulgarian verbal complex 26.09.2013
Close Encounters : Contact between Holy Figures and the Faithful as represented in Byzantine Works of Art 04.04.2015
Club Libri Slavici 14.12.2013
Cod. Vat. Gr. 423 – Ein Analogus dеm Izbornik J. 1073 11.10.2013
Codices latini antiquiores : A Palaeographical Guide to Latin Manuscripts Prior to the Ninth Century 14.04.2015
Cognitive structures, speech, and social situations : Two integrative models 08.07.2014
COLING ’82 26.11.2013
COLING ’84 26.11.2013
Collating Greek and Slavic Apostolos Manuscripts 11.10.2013
Colonialism and the Object: Empire, Material Culture, and the Museum 08.03.2017
Commentarii in Danielem 07.06.2014
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment 14.01.2018
Common Slavic: progress or crisis in its reconstruction? : Notes on recent archaeological challenges to historical linguistics 27.09.2013
Communication accommodation and the prototypical speaker : Predicting evaluations of status and solidarity 08.07.2014
Communication accommodation theory 08.07.2014
Communication accommodation theory 22.10.2014
Communication accommodation theory 22.10.2014
Communication accommodation theory : A look back and a look ahead 23.10.2014
Comparative Indo-European Linguistics. An Introduction 26.12.2013
Comprehesion instruction 09.01.2017
Computational Slavistics: “Work in Progress!” 11.10.2013
Computer Applications and the Study of Early Cyrillic Printed Books 11.10.2013
Computer-Аssisted Description of the Old Bulgarian Lexica 29.01.2013
Conceptualizing Folklore along “Disciplinary Lines.” The Political Entanglement of Folklore Studies in Socialist Bulgaria 13.03.2017
Conditions on the Formation of Middles in Russian 24.10.2014
Conférence slaviste à Rome. 11.10.2013
Constantine of Preslav and the Old Bulgarian Translation of the ’Historia ecclesiastica et mystica contemplatio’ Attributed to Patriarch Germanus I of Constantinople 11.10.2013
Constantine-Cyril, Moravia and Bulgaria in the Chronicle of the Priest of Dioclea 11.10.2013
Constantini Gălăbov professoris in memoriam (1892–1980) 26.11.2013
Contacts 14.12.2013
Contrast dispersion and Russian palatalization 12.10.2013
Contrastive Linguistics 26.11.2013
Contribution à l’étude des mots-valises ou „mixonymes“ 26.10.2013
Convergence and attrition: Serbian in contact with English in Australia 26.09.2013
