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Title Last updatesort descending
Communication accommodation and the prototypical speaker : Predicting evaluations of status and solidarity 08.07.2014
Communication accommodation theory 08.07.2014
Cognitive structures, speech, and social situations : Two integrative models 08.07.2014
Cambridge Dictionary of Psychology 08.07.2014
Classifying the Feedback Function of Head Movements and Face Expressions 18.10.2014
Czas przeszły, pamięć, mit 19.10.2014
Communication accommodation theory 22.10.2014
Communication accommodation theory 22.10.2014
Communication accommodation theory : A look back and a look ahead 23.10.2014
Conditions on the Formation of Middles in Russian 24.10.2014
Cuisine, and Class: а Study in Comparative Sociology 03.04.2015
Culture and Cuisine. A Journey through the History of Food 03.04.2015
Cave Monasteries of Byzantine Cappadocia 04.04.2015
Close Encounters : Contact between Holy Figures and the Faithful as represented in Byzantine Works of Art 04.04.2015
Christian-Islamic Confrontation in the West: The Thirteenth Century Dream of Conversion 05.04.2015
Chartularium Universitatis Parisiensis 05.04.2015
Chapter Headings of Augustine De trinitate ascribed to Adam Marsh 06.04.2015
C. Plini Secundi Naturalis historiae libri XXXVII 06.04.2015
Canons d’Eusèbe 14.04.2015
Codices latini antiquiores : A Palaeographical Guide to Latin Manuscripts Prior to the Ninth Century 14.04.2015
Catalogue des manuscrits en écriture latine portant des indications de date, de lieu, ou de copiste 14.04.2015
Certain Sources of Corruption in Latin Manuscripts: A Study Based Upon Two Manuscripts of Livy: Codex Puteanus (Fifth Century), and Its Copy, Codex Reginensis 762 (Ninth Century) 14.04.2015
Champ Fleury ou l'Art et science de la proportion des lettres 14.04.2015
Cassiodorus. De institutione divinarum litterarum 14.04.2015
Croatian Medieval texts in Latin script 08.03.2016
Christianity and Islam under the sultans 09.03.2016
Charles Dickens: Anti-Catholicism and Catholicism 10.03.2016
Christmas books. (With an Introduction by E. Farjeon.) 19.03.2016
Christmas books. (With an Introduction by D. N. Brereton and A Survey by G. K. Chesterton.) 19.03.2016
Christmas books, Christmas stories and other short fiction: an annotated bibliography 20.03.2016
Charles Dickens on the Screen: The Film, Television, and Video adaptation 20.03.2016
Charles Dickens: Resurrectionist 20.03.2016
Charles Dickens: Linguistic Innovator 20.03.2016
Comprehesion instruction 09.01.2017
Current Issues in the Teaching of Grammar: An SLA Perspective 09.01.2017
Český biografický slovník XX. Století 12.01.2017
