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Полските и българските безподложни изречения в съпоставителен анализ

TitleПолските и българските безподложни изречения в съпоставителен анализ
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1979
AuthorsКоритковска, М
JournalСъпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics
Publication Languagebul

contrastive study of subjectless sentences in Bulgarian and Polish is made. The term subjectless sentence refers to sentences which do not contain a nominal phrase in concord with a finite verb in their structure. The contrastive study of two languages should be based on two parallel analyses and should lead to conclusions which characterize the function of the forms analysed. The method of analysis is dynamic, based on transformational-generative grammar. The whole set of subjectless sentences may be divided into two groups, the group of kernel sentences (their two-element structure „subject-predicate“ could be interpreted only on the semantic level) and the group of sentences-transforms. The transformations which reduce the agent in both languages, serve as an example of the author’s approach to the contrastive study of subjectless sentences.

Citation KeyКоритковска1979
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