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Libri Slavici

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Journal Article
Miltenova, A., Bojadžiev, A. & Velev, S., 1998. Repertorium of Medieval Slavic Literature: Computer and Philological Standards. Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика, 22(2), pp.50–69.
Bossuat, R., 1974. Raúl de Presles. Histoire littéraire de la France, 40, pp.113–186.
Bechkova, R., 1982. Quelques observations sur les verbes bulgares caractérisés par des préfixes et leurs équivalents analytiques en français. Съпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics, 7(1–2), pp.79–85.
Bojar, B., 1976. Polskiе i bułgarskie czasowniki komunikujące relacje czasowe. Съпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics, 1(3), pp.65–77.
Burdátš, M., 1999. Ottův slovník naučný. Naše rodina, 1999, č. 13., p.99. Available at:
Burns, I., 1977. The Numbering of the Johannine Saturdays and Sandays in Earlу Greek and Slavonic Gopel Lectionaries. Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика, 1(2), pp.43–55.
Boba, I., 1981. The Monastery of Sázava: Methodian Continuity North of the Danube?. Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика, 5(1), pp.84–87.
Bregasi, M., 2008. Minoritetet gjuhësore në Kosovë. Seminari Ndërkombëtar për Gjuhën Letërsinë dhe Kulturën Shqiptare, 28(1).
Butler, T., 1987. Methodius’s Kanon to Saint Demetrius of Thessaloniki. Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика, 11(2), pp.3–8.
Beer, R., 1913. Les principaux manuscrits à peinture de la Bibliothèque impériale de Vienne. Bulletin de la Société Française de reproduction de manuscrits à peinture, 3, pp.5–55.
2ème article
Boyadjiev, J., 1982. La proposition nominale assertive en bulgare, français et russe. Съпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics, 7(1–2), pp.85–90.
Bosilkov, K., 1978. J. V. Jagić et l’élucidation de l’origine du langage de Cуrille et Méthode. Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика, 2(4), pp.65–68.
Bernard, R., 1989. Introduction à l’étude de l’aoriste vieux bulgare. Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика, 13(4), pp.8–20.
Almalech, M. & Benatov, P., 1997. First language Attrition by Speakers of Bulgarian in Israel. Съпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics, 22(3), pp.55–59.
Bakker, M.H.P.S., 1990. Discovered on Mount Athos: the Karakalski Apostol. Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика, 14(4), pp.61–67.
Bieder, H., 1989. Die Wortbildungsadaptierung der Germanismen in den slavischen Sprachen. Съпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics, 14(4), pp.23–31.
Bosilkov, K., 1978. Die altbulgarischen Lehnwörter im Russischen. Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика, 2(1), pp.56–65.
Bankov, D., Dimitrov, D. & Dragnev, V., 1989. Contribution à l’étude des mots-valises ou „mixonymes“. Съпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics, 14(5), pp.8–12.
Boba, I., 1985. Constantine-Cyril, Moravia and Bulgaria in the Chronicle of the Priest of Dioclea. Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика, 9(1), pp.59–72.
Bakker, M. & van der Tak, J., 1994. Collating Greek and Slavic Apostolos Manuscripts. Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика, 18(2), pp.32–49.
Bajčeva, M., 1982. Canon et nature du genre hagiographique au XIVe–XVe s. (Grégoire Camblak et Epiphanele Sage). Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика, 6(2), pp.91–100.
Boteva, S., 1996. Blocage du passif en français et en bulgare. Съпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics, 21(1), pp.7–13.


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