Littera et Lingua. Series "Dissertationes". Vol. 1
Българските „острови“ на лингвистичната карта на Балканите.
Доклади от международната конференция „Българските „острови“ на лингвистичната карта на Балканите“ (4 - 6 ноември 2005 г., Софийски университет „Св. Кл. Охридски“). Публикуват се като PDF файлове.
Bulgarian 'Islands' on the Balkan linguistic map"
Proceeding from the International Conference (4 to 6 November 2005, University of Sofia "St. Kliment Ohridski"). Published as PDF files.
Съържание / Content
- Титулна страница / Title Page and Content.
- Увод. Introduction
- Руселина Ницолова.Българските да-форми в балкански контекст.
- Силвия Михайлеску. За функциите на някои предлози в румънския и българския език.
On the Functions of Some Prepositions in Romanian and Bulgarian
Thе article compares the function of some simple and complex prepositions in Romanian and Bulgarian. Whereas expressing circumstantial complements of place and prepositional attributes in Bulgarian utilizes the same prepositions, expressing the same syntactic relations in Romanian utilizes different prepositions: simple prepositions – with circumstantial complements and complex ones – with attributes. - Надежда Михайлова-Сталянова, Елена Крейчова. Метафорични модели на паметта в българския и сръбския език.
Using the methodology of cognitive semantics we describe metaphoric schemata of memory in Bulgarian and Serbian. We show the metaphoric models common for both languages such as ‘memory is an object’, ‘memory is a container’, ‘memories are living creatures’, ‘memories are liquids’ etc. - Боряна Емилияновa.За растителния код на митичното време (фразеологични изрази с компонент 'върба' в някои балкански и славянски езици).
On the Phytomorphic Code of the Mythical Time (Phraseological Expressions with the Component 'Willow' in Some Balkan an Slavic Languages).
In some Slavic and Balkan languages there are expressed ideas of the willow which are related to the picture of the mythical time. In Romanian folklore the willow was considered the first tree in the world. In spring rituals the willow symbolizes the rebirth of the spirit of vegetation and the beginning of a new life cycle, which is analogous to the creation of life in mythical time. In most of the expressions these ideas were profanated and became equivalent to something unreal, impossible, or insignificant. - Маринела Вълчанова. Българският език сред славянските и балканските езици в концепциите на Антони Калина (автор на първата история на българския език).
Тhe paper introduces an almost unknown Central European point of view from 19 century to Balkans and to Bulgarian language history and borders. The attention is directed towards the First History of Bulgarian language, written in 1891 (published in Krakow, Poland) by Antony Kalina, a Polish linguist and ethnographer and his wiews on relationships between Bulgarian language and other languages on Balkan, on Bulgarian location on Balkan peninsula and on relationship between Old Church Slavonic and contemporary Bulgarian language. - Боян Вълчев. Някои общи черти и различия в процеса на начално изграждане на българския и сръбския книжовен език (в исторически, политически и културен аспект).
Common features and Differences in the Process of Primal Establishment of Bulgarian and Serbian Literary Language (Historical, Political and Cultural Approaches).
A few historical, political, social, cultural and other specifics, which have influenced the development of the Bulgarian and Serbian literary languages, have been compared in this article. The two nations share a common, as well as a specific destiny and that is why their literary languages show similarities and differences regarding formation, development and function. The concrete language observations, which have given the idea for this research and are based on a relatively big corps of mainly word-building models, will be published separately. A special attention have been paid especially on Slavonic-Bulgarian and Slavonic-Serbian language, on the role of the state and the church organization, on the specifics evolved from the imperatives of the Modern Age. The need for differentiation of the two contrast types literary languages in the European civilization circle is well founded. - Калина Викторова. За два синтактични процеса при функционирането на удвоените допълнения в историята на българския език.
Doubled Object Function in the History of Bulgarian Language through Two Syntactical Processes.
Based on historical data of Bulgarian language, two syntactical processes are differentiated, which start functioning with the establishing of the model of the doubled object in contemporary bulgarian language. on one hand the pronoun for the 1-st and 2-nd person is formed and it functions as a construction with a new syntactic meaning, in order to indicate the speaking person in the dialogue. it contains the expression of the language form of the “i” - мене ме, на мене ми и тебе те, на тебе ти (me, to me; you, to you) as well as the act of introducing a situation of addressing someone in words. it was registered as a model of Old Bulgarian language about X–XI century and has been used ever since. on the other hand, not very fast, the process of doubling of the noun construction is developing, which is done by using demonstrative pronouns and the old bulgarian *jь pronoun. the doubling of the nouns with a third personal pronoun takes place much later. - Теодора Иванова Дончева. Наблюдение върху говора и културата на власите от с. Крушето, община Горна Оряховица, област Великотърновска.
Observation over the Vernacular and the Culture of the Wallachians from the Village of Krusheto, Gorna Oryahovitza Municipality, Veliko Tarnovo District.
The present study deals with the vernacular and the national culture of the Wallachians of gypsy type from the village of Krusheto, Gorna Oryahovitza Municipality, Veliko Tarnovo District. The religion of this population is Orthodox Christianity. In the past the Wallachaians from this group made wooden objects such as spoons, spindels, bowls, troughs, etc and exchanged them for foot or clothing. Now they are almost integrated in the society and their occupations are just like these of the Bulgarians. Their speech is strongly influenced by the Bulgarian language. The linguistic data from the field research shows that their vernacular is a dialect of the contemporary Dacian -Romanian language and possesses some distinctive features, characteristic for some of the North-western dialects (from the regions Banat, Crishana and Maramuresh). But it is also similar to the dialects from the southern parts of Romania – The region of Muntenia (and especially from the region of Oltenia). - Мони Алмалех. Българският език в Израелски условия.
Bulgarian Language in Israel
The subjects of the paper are carriers of Bulgarian language which brought into contact with the Hebrew language spoken in Israel. A main language condition of the state of Israel is briefly described - the resurrection of Hebrew as spoken, administration and science language. The biggest wave of Jewish immigration from Bulgaria (42 000) arrived in Israel at 1948-1954. The first generation was at least bilingual (Ladino or Yddish at home, and Bulgarian in public cervices). The second generation fits the category of semi-speakers because with few exceptions their parents did not teach them Bulgarian at all. Some examples of the idiolect of an individual of this second generation are given. For the third generation Bulgarian is almost lost. At the nineties 3200 new immigrants form Bulgaria went to Israel. The first generation from nineties usually speaks three languages - Bulgarian, Ladino and English, French or German. Because of their higher education and because of renewed cultural and economic ties with Bulgaria as parents they usually teach their children in Bulgarian. Some information on "code-switching" and "code-mixing" in different generations is given. - Кирил Топалов. Света Гора в про- и антивизантийския сюжет в българската възрожденска култура.
- Ася Асенова. Другият до мен (етнография на смесените бракове).
The Other Beside Me (Ethnography of the Mixed Marriages).
Here are analyzed the oral stories included in the collection „The mixed marriages – a model of ethnic and religious tolerance (autobiography and analyzes). А. Pаshоvа, Sofia, 2004. The autobiographical tales contain one problematic point – mixed marriage that does not enter within the framework of the traditional standards and representations, especially when one of the members is of origin Tzigane. The interest is directed towards the following questions: How the difference is perceived by the husband / the wife, the family, the society, the children? Do protective, compensatory mechanisms appear in favour of such types of marriages? How the topic of the difference is introduced into the tale and how is it told thereafter in the tale? How do they live themselves and how do they present the interlocutors? and similar. The answer given to these questions is provided after the detailed linguistic analysis of five concrete interviews.
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