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Remarques sur l’extension et la détermination du syntagme nominal-sujet en français contemporain

ЗаглавиеRemarques sur l’extension et la détermination du syntagme nominal-sujet en français contemporain
Вид на публикациятаJournal Article
Година на публикуване1982
АвториTchaouchev, A
СписаниеСъпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics
Език на публикациятаfra

The notional range of the noun (whether it is considered as a particular or a general notion depending on the requirements of the speech situation) is the result of both the actualizing role of the article and of factors which operate on the sentence level. One of these factors is the reciprocal semantic and syntactic determination of the main parts of the sentence, subject and predicate, which contain nominal syntagmas obtained as a result of the actualization of the noun. With the exception of sentences containing an attributive predicate the subject is to be considered as a narrow, maximally defined notion; this tendency is violated only in so far as the predicates of the remaining types of sentences (locative, possessive and active) approach in meaning the attributive predicate.

Код за цитиранеTchaouchev1982
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