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Об имплицитной полифункциональности указательного местоимения to в чешском языке и его эксплицитных эквивалентах в русском

ЗаглавиеОб имплицитной полифункциональности указательного местоимения to в чешском языке и его эксплицитных эквивалентах в русском
Вид на публикациятаJournal Article
Година на публикуване1990
АвториШирокова, А
СписаниеСъпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics
Език на публикациятаrus

The comparative investigation of the functional importance of the demonstrative pronoun to/eto, to in Czech and in Russian allows the establishment of the correlation of these pronouns at the systemic 1evel (direct deixis) and of considerable differences at the functional level both in the expression of transfer to earlier and later context (relative deixis) and in the description of expressive functions. The function meaning of the Czech demonstrative pronoun to is characterized by an absolute use, a high degree of semantic generalization and an ability to substitute various material things and abstract notions expressed through separate words, utterances and even through a whole text. The implicit polyfunctionality of Czech to is explicitly expressed in Russian not only through various types of functional-semantic equivalents but often through equivalents of usage. In the communicative equivalence of utterances there are also cases of non-equivalent correspondences.

Код за цитиранеШирокова1990
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